Fondazione VOLUME!
Valentina Palazzari (Terni, 1975) delves into the concepts of memory, space and time to reveal a transient and ever-changing reality, moving freely between the languages of sculpture, painting, installation and video. Over the years he has made large site-specific installations, with which he has established an effective dialogic approach between space, work and viewer.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

The Volume! Foundation is a foundation active in the field of Contemporary Art in Rome. It is based in a former glassworks in Trastevere at Via di San Francesco di Sales 86/88.

Founded in 1997 by Francesco Nucci with the support of artists, curators and creatives, the space of Fondazione Volume! soon became a laboratory of ideas, proposing an unusual and unclassifiable project: to give artists the opportunity to consider space as a living body, with its peculiarities, its history, its versatility, to be able to rethink space by modifying it so that it becomes part of the work, creating each time something different that can stimulate in the viewer new emotions always new.

Through exhibitions, projects and events, artists are free to modify the architecture of the space in order to create something new and unique. The space is never restored to its original state, but manages to preserve the memory of its past through the layers of the walls.

The fundamental purpose of the Volume! Foundation is to support the public idea of culture, to restore a dialogue with art capable of including fertile relationships with other intellectual fields.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
27 Sep-31 Oct 2023
Valentina Palazzari - FU MARE

Free access
Fondazione VOLUME!
via S.Francesco di Sales, 86
PAOLO ICARO, Respiro, all
11 Oct 2017
PAOLO ICARO, Respiro, all'nterno dell'esterno dell'interno...
Intervento istallativo di Paolo Icaro negli spazi della Fondazione VOLUME!
Free access
Fondazione Volume!
Via S. Francesco di Sales, 86
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