ROAM Photography
Located in the ancient Borgo district, ROAM Gallery is a space dedicated to fine art photography. ROAM Photograhy host photography exhibitions and talks. ROAM is also a space of working and the production of images. It was founded in 2015 by Tommaso Ausili and Carlo Gianferro and subsequently joined by Eva Tomei and Luigi Orrù.
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Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
13 Oct 2017 | 18:30
Inhabitants exhibition
Presentazione del progetto alla presenza dell'autore e della curatrice
Free access
ROAM Photography
Via del Falco, 30A
13-31 Oct 2017
photo by Andrea Buzzichelli curated by Francesca orsi
Free access
ROAM Photography
Via del Falco, 30A
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