Italia Media Art Festival

The call for videos of the artists who will participate in RAW 2024 opens: in a world driven by rapid technological advances, the Italia Media Art Festival (IMAF) presents itself as a space for reflection, where art and technology converge. An event that from Rome aims to be a free promotion platform for emerging artists from all over the world, as well as to promote dialogue on the pressing issues of our time.

The first screening of the selected works will take place on Friday 27 September, during the event “Personal Structures | Public Screenings” at Palazzo Michiel (VE), in the context of the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. Afterwards they will be presented during the Rome RAW Contemporary Art Week, at the IMAF event (venue yet to be defined). The videos will be presented as projections or video installations in the different spaces with which we collaborate. In addition, they will be shown online during the days when the exhibitions will be held.

IMAF is coordinated by the ‘Piccola Venezia’ Association, in cooperation with Rome Art Week. The first edition has the institutional support of the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See and the ECC-Italy (European Cultural Centre Foundation).

Don’t miss this opportunity: participation is completely free.

Registrations will close on 15 September 2024.

Theme: “Artificial Intelligence: a Tool for Peace”.

Pope Francis, in his message for the 57th World Day of Peace, expressed concerns about the rapid rise of AI. The Pope emphasised that progress in science and technology must be oriented towards peace, stating that AI must respect fundamental human values such as inclusiveness, transparency, security, fairness, privacy and accountability.

AI is undoubtedly a new achievement of human intelligence, but what will be the consequences in the medium and long term? And what impact will it have on the lives of individuals and society, on international stability and peace?

In this context, the Italia Media Art Festival aims to be an artistic platform to explore the intersection of technology and peace. Besides being a space to exhibit digital art and new media, the festival promotes dialogue and collaboration between artists, experts and visionaries. The aim is to explore the potential of AI to build bridges between cultures, promote mutual understanding and lay the foundations for a future of peace and harmony.

The first edition of the festival, with Taiwan as the invited country, aims to reflect on the role of technology in building a common future. With the inspiring message of Pope Francis and Taiwan’s technological leadership as its guide, the festival embarks on a journey towards a horizon of hope, where art and Artificial Intelligence become tools for weaving global peace and fraternity.


  1. Participation is free of charge and artists over the age of 16 of any nationality may participate.
  2. Types of works accepted: video art, video installations (multi-channel, interactive, video interventions) and live video performances.
  3. The work received will be submitted to the jury of the Italia Media Art Festival.
  4. Only artistic works that explore the topic ‘Artificial Intelligence: a Tool for Peace’, as per the proposed theme, will be considered.
  5. Each artist or group of artists may only submit one work.
  6. Videos should be submitted via a downloadable link (preferably wetransfer) in .mp4 and Full HD (1920×1080 px) format. Files not exceeding 1gb are recommended.Videos should be submitted via a downloadable link (preferably wetransfer) in .mp4 and Full HD (1920×1080 px) format. Files not exceeding 1gb are recommended.
  7. The duration of the video must not exceed 5 minutes.
  8. The work of art, if it has dialogue, must have English subtitles.
  9. IMAF has its own audiovisual equipment for the projection of video art works. However, in the case of video installations, if the artist needs special materials (such as projectors, screens, object construction, walls, etc.), these must be the responsibility of the artist or his sponsors.
  10. All artworks will become part of the Festival archive and may be used in other future festivals, without commercial purposes and as part of the event.
  11. The selection of artworks will be announced to the authors by e-mail and on the official festival website:

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