People of Love and Rage

Projection of "People of Love and Rage", aperitif and debate whit the director

People of Love and Anger, film by director Stefano Casertano on the Corviale.With its over 8,000 tenants and a length of almost one kilometre, the Corviale is the largest residential building in Europe. Built in the early 1980s on the southern outskirts of Rome, it appears like a monstrous building, a container for all of humanity. Here different types of people and human categories intersect, which together create a sample of society. A social container that shows all the limits and potential of men regardless of their origin or social background. The documentary chooses not to feature interviews, as the genre usually requires, but to tell the story through dialogues between the protagonists. In Gente di Amore e Rabbia everyday life is on stage, the true reality of those who find themselves living in this place. The result is a film about a state-building on the edge of the Italian capital.

The plotTwo friends, with different ideas and life choices, decide to join forces and create an association for arts and crafts. Massimo, a former drug addict and convicted felon, and Alessandro, an artist, will have to struggle both with the limits of the place in which they live, a suburb forgotten by the State, and with the personal limits linked to the difference in character and views between them. A story that is a tribute to the director Pasolini who loved Rome and its suburbs so much. Through a story of hope and redemption in which nothing appears to be taken for granted, Gente di Amore e Rabbia tells the story of the sub-culture of the Roman and Italian suburbs.


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