Miami New Media Festival

New Media Art as a powerful tool to achieve a better world

"Global Healing. In a convulsive world immersed in so many wars and conflicts, now more than ever we need to find ways to come together and take care of our bodies, minds and spirits.

The Miami New Media Festival wants to show that art can be a powerful healing tool; it can help us express our emotions, connect with others and find meaning in difficult times. New media art can inspire artists and community members to find common ground for action to heal the world. We believe that artistic expressions are a response to our present and have a healing effect on our society.

Finally, MNMF 2023 will present new perspectives on how to achieve "global healing" through the views of selected artists to understand the present times and be part of the necessary global change.

The five winning video art works of this edition will be presented: "Forare Ferida" by Victoria Thomen, "Guerra & Pace" by Teresa Bianchi, "Compost No. 3" by Citron | Lunardi, "Aprite il cielo" by Emanuele Marsigliotti and "White Line" by Manuel De Marco.

Selection edited by Marinellys Tremamunno.


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