Manuel De Marco
Manuel De Marco carries out an investigation into existential themes and the relationship between his presence as an individual in the world and the world itself, seen as otherness. He expresses himself through painting, video and performance.
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Manuel De Marco

Born in Udine in 1987, lives and works in Milan.

Among the personal and collective exhibitions we highlight those at Fabbrica del Vapore (Milan), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tirana (Tirana), GAM (Rome), Amy d'Arte Spazio (Milan), Museo Revoltella (Trieste), MAGA (Gallarate ).

He carries out an investigation into existential themes and the relationship between his presence as an individual in the world and the world itself, seen as otherness.

He expresses himself through painting, video and performance.

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Manuel De Marco's artistic research starts from the body and its relationship with the surrounding space. The art forms that the artist prefers are painting and video, in which he expresses his research through movement in space in a different but conceptually similar way. Video and painting are united by the use of the same body as an expressive medium: on the one hand De Marco films his movement, on the other he imprints it through his own footsteps, freezing it in a gesture.

The reflection that arises from his work is always based on the comparison between his presence as an individual in the world and the world itself, seen as otherness. An attempt to gain space through movement to stand out, but at the same time become part of the whole, in the continuous change of existence.

Events at Rome Art Week
Miami New Media Festival x RAW - Artists Live
28 Oct 2021 | 19:30
Miami New Media Festival x RAW - Artists Live
Live a cura di Federica Piras, Francesca Anedda e Valentina Salzillo
Free access
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