Lucia Simone Open Studio

Lucia Simone. Symbiosis

Open studio exhibition

Curated by Chiara Canali



Lucia Simone participates with an open studio exhibition  in the eighth edition of Rome Art Week, a cultural project promoted by Kou - Association for the promotion of visual arts , which this year takes place from 23 to 28 October 2023 .

The exhibition, entitled Symbiosis , curated by Chiara Canali, can be visited from 23 to 27 October from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm at Lucia Simone's Art Studio in via Carlo Cattaneo 31, in Rome (intercom Lucia Simone art studio ). Vernissage Saturday 28 October 2023, at 6.00 pm.


Lucia Simone (Perugia, 1986) is one of the most interesting exponents of the so-called Post-Internet Art , a definition coined in 2006 by the American artist Marisa Olson to describe her own work and that of some artists close to her, divided between a traditionally “offline” and a very strong focus on online surfing. In her words, Post-Internet Art literally means: “The art I produce after surfing the net”.

Subsequently taken up by the critic and blogger Gene McHugh, the definition is therefore linked to an "aesthetics of the network", in which graphic interfaces, images, contents produced online by anyone are taken, post-produced, according to different critical interpretations, and re-proposed in both physical objects (photographs, digital paintings, videos and installations) and digital ones, as in the case of image collections on Instagram.

Lucia Simone, artist of the Millennials generation , works according to the methodologies of Post-Internet Art , reinterprets contemporaneity through a careful work of recovery of images that can be taken directly by her, recovered from books on the history of photography, taken from glossy magazines or select on the web from the thousands of free images of Google Generation.

All this intricate iconographic repertoire is filtered through a real post-production work, both digital and memorial, in particular with respect to the main themes of nature and landscape.

Today the landscapes of contemporary culture are necessarily crossed and characterized by the human presence, in a symbiotic relationship : they are the reflection and the background, or rather the glue, they cover the bodies like a second skin equipped with all the prostheses necessary to move, meet, communicate , share.

Lucia Simone does not only paint landscapes but configures new aesthetic experiences in contact with nature, made up of alterations, visual interferences, numerical codes, glitches . Digital, through the tools of photo collage or photomontage, is at the service of Lucia Simone's poetics, offering her an even greater capacity, compared to traditional media, to recycle, modify, deform, disjoin and join, reconstruct and finally invent new worlds that in turn they define new psychic and perceptive dimensions.

On display are around ten works created in oil and with the technique of digital photo collage and digital painting on hahnemuhle which reveal glimpses of lush and overflowing landscapes, inhabited by disturbing visual presences ( IoES-The Ego and the ID Oxygen ) or portraits of figures immersed in nature or peeking out from the vegetation, in search of a precarious balance ( Opheliǝ, Symbiosis, Invasiveness, Gift ).


According to the author, this man-nature symbiosis should trigger a real paradigm shift today, as the landscape is now subjected to an action of distortion and abuse by man. However, as the scholar and scientist Stefano Mancuso states , nature and in particular plants reveal the features of intelligent behavior: “Plants speak, they communicate. Using a language that is still largely unknown, they send messages to other plants and the surrounding environment."

Fascinated by Mancuso's neurobiological philosophy, Lucia Simone has conceived and created artistic projects that are not reduced to the intimate dimension of the exhibition space but which aim to transform themselves into public art , as in the case of the work Decadent Beauty (2023) with which she participated in a competition organized by @Legoodsociety to free nature from the indiscriminate use of plastic.

His work, selected from thousands, was displayed on the big screens in Time Square and in the streets, demonstrating how the reflection of a visual artist can be able to silently but actively raise public awareness about the state of health of the environment .

Lucia Simone

Lucia Simone was born in 1986 in Perugia. She lives and works in Rome.

She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, attending the four-year course in Painting and then the two-year course in Performing Arts and Disciplines.

He worked as a painting assistant at the chair of Gianfranco Notargiacomo. He is present in the VI Repertoire of Italian Engravers , published by Faenza.



He has received several awards including an artist residency on the occasion of the FIG Bilbao International Prize, he has exhibited in several museums including Macro La Pelanda (RM), Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art and in prestigious places such as Palazzo Montecitorio and Palazzo Vecchio on the occasion of the Florence Prize. Of particular note was Uncanny at Interzone Galleria (RM) where the relevance to themes with a strong emotional impact prevailed.

This research is repeated in Realtà Consumata at Fondamenta Gallery with an in-depth analysis in the Inside Art magazine of December 2018. In December 2019 he carried out an artist residency in one of the ateliers of the MACRO ASILO (Museo Arte Contemporanea Roma).

At the end of 2021 he exhibited his works at Iaga Contemporary Art (Romania) with a solo show entitled Signal Lost curated by Chiara Canali. In 2023 she presents two solo exhibitions curated by Saveria Colosimo: Mad World , at the Gallerati Gallery in Rome and Last Flowers at the former Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia.

She was recently selected as a finalist for the Luigi Candiani Prize organized by the SAC (Spazio Arte Contemporanea), and for the Arte Laguna Prize whose collective exhibition was held in 2023 at the Arsenale of Venice. In the same year, the work Decadent Beauty was selected for an advertising campaign and exhibited throughout the month of July on the big screen in the cities of Eindhoven, Rotterdam, New York and Los Angeles.

Data sheet

Lucia Simone. Symbiosis

Open studio exhibition

edited by Chiara Canali

Lucia Simone art studio

Via Carlo Cattaneo 31 – Rome

Opening time:

From 23 to 27 October | 4pm – 7pm

Vernissage 28 October 2023 | 6pm – 9pm


Telephone +39 334 867 0574

Website and Instagram



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