23d October - 5th november (except 25th)

1) Inauguration of the work "And we went out to see the stars again", 1993, which sees the light now in 2023 ... multiple cm. 200x300 (4 canvases, cm. 100x150 assembled).

2) Guests are invited to a full immersion into “…the stars”. Individual photos (and/or video recordings)  if request, and collective photos with the backdrop of the canvas are foreseen. The canvas will appear to envelop, like an embrace, during an exploration of infinity.

3) Guests are expected to interact with the artist by creating together an interactive/relational drawing with colored pencils, a free subject or a 12-ray Mandala of Life. It is possible to develop it even in full paper (30x40, 35x50, 40x50 or 40x40 for the Mandala) with hours of work to be agreed even in several meetings.

4) The open studio will be open every day from 12.30 to 21.00, from Monday 23 to Sunday 29 October (No 25th) - 6 days of continuous inauguration with terminal exhibition of relational drawings executed during RAW. The exhibition of the works will remain open from Monday 30 October to Sunday 5 November 2023 from 16.00 to 19.30


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