7 years of Chirale Art

For the first time the entire production of the Spazio Chirale is on display

Spazio Chirale was opened in 2015 with the idea of ​​creating a "Process Gallery" to showcase not only the final works, but also the production and creative process that made it possible to create them.

During its seven years of activity, Spazio Chirale has hosted artistic residencies of emerging artists and important productions of famous and established artists, including Maurizio Mochetti, Daniele Sigalot, Roberto Pietrosanti, Salvatore Iaconesi and Gonzalo Borondo.

On the occasion of the expansion of the venue, with the opening of another space, still on via Ignazio Persico, the curators are reorganizing and literally "dusting off" the entire collection.

What better occasion to exhibit it in its entirety to the public during RAW Night?


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