LEGENDS. Sport joins the Constitution in article 33

Solo exhibition Baruz, curated by Georgiana Ionescu

Matteo Baruzzo, aka BARUZ, dedicates this solo exhibition to the new Article 33 of the Italian Constitution, to celebrate the inclusion of the protection of sport in our Constitution, with the aim of enhancing the spirit of sport itself, through the typical style of Street Art.

The renewed article 33 reads in fact: "The Republic protects health also through the promotion of activities aimed at engaging and developing people’s psychomotor skills and facilitates access to sports activities" respecting the guidelines of European and international law which recognise an intimate connection between sport and social rights, namely those rights which are in the interest of the community, thus promoting sport and physical activities for educational purposes, to be accessible at any age and for everyone, from the youngest to the adults.

Moreover, with this project, Baruz wants to celebrate the victories that collected by the Italian sport in the last period and beyond, starting from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

The works on display are a total of 35, of which 33 are both past and present sport icons such as Alberto Tomba, Novella Calligaris, Alex Zanardi and Yuri Chechi, Francesco Totti, Valentino Rossi, the Abbagnale Brothers, Federica Pellegrini, Pietro Mennea and Marcel Jacobs, Bebe Vio and Valentina Vezzali, until Sofia Raffaeli, the last golden medal won by the Italian sport today, portrayed by Baruz, the last two works represent the symbolic number 33, guide image of the exhibition and manifesto of the sporting spirit, and the Olympic rings. For all the artworks, Baruz started from the reworking of a photograph, in a typical Street Art’s style, and through the technique of "dribble on canvas" he created the works on display.

LEGENDS is a tribute to the Italian sport. THEN and NOW in comparison, the legends of the past as inspiration for the legends of the present, with a projection towards the future.

The exhibition will be held in the Salone d'Onore at CONI, such a prestigious context in which, 38 years ago, in 1984, together with Franco Carraro, then president of CONI, Renato Guttuso presented his "Elogio allo Sport", one of the last great exhibitions of the Master, it represents a great emotion and an immense privilege.


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