Civita Mostre e Musei
We valorize the artistic heritage through the creation of unique and tailor-made exhibitions for public institutions, national and foreign museums, private subjects attentive to corporate social responsibility. Depending on the project, we can operate on the entire production chain or on part of it.
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We enhance artistic heritage through the creation of unique and tailor-made exhibitions for public institutions, domestic and foreign museums, and private entities attentive to corporate social responsibility. Depending on the project, we can operate on the entire production chain or part of it: from the conception of the concept to the organization and realization of the exhibition, through the management of artwork lending, transportation and insurance, the design and supply of the exhibition layout, press office activities, the management of the ticketing and its services, marketing and online and offline communication.

Events at Rome Art Week
LEGENDS. Sport joins the Constitution in article 33
08 Oct-06 Nov 2022
LEGENDS. Sport joins the Constitution in article 33
Solo exhibition Baruz, curated by Georgiana Ionescu
Free access
Vernissage Friday 07 Oct 2022 | 18:00
Palazzo H, Salone d'onore del CONI
Piazza Lauro de Bosis 15
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