Pictorial cosmology in the dance of life

Alberto Di Fabio apre le porte del suo studio per "Cosmologia Pittorica"

Pictorial cosmology in the dance of life

Science and art, prayer and movement in the large canvases by Alberto Di Fabio

He opens his studio with a great cosmic dance, made up of swirling rotations, music and films, which will increase and expand the viewer's perception for a motor, emotional elevation of life.

It will be a representation of the concept of cosmic astral dance to get in touch with the soul of the world in continuous dialogue between the origin of the harmony of life and chaos, a journey between matter and antimatter between the overlapping of brush strokes and the thousand veins chromaticity of colors that involve the viewer in extrasensory kinetic visions for a progressive loss of self-consciousness, a sort of visual trance, traveling towards a dream world, towards parallel worlds distant in space and time, closer to the quantum essence of 'Universe.

For this Rome Art Week event, the performances of Musica Danza and Cinema are instruments that symbolize the transition from the physical state of matter to the liquid and gaseous one, a sort of permutation and elevation of the soul of the observer.

Between art, science and spirituality, the swirls of colors, in the emotional forms of dance, are explosions of something impalpable, visions and perceptions of different frequencies for the evocation of an invisible matter.

The weekly program of the event will screen several short films that are part of the artist's latest research. "The Awakening". Short film directed by Marco Waldis, subject by Mattia Andres Lombardo.Three moments in which fiction and reality mix in a world, which has lost the memory of an uncontaminated nature and awakens in a devastated and devastating world.

"Cosmic Dance" Short film directed by Giacomo Sardonini. A dancer Diletta Maria D'Ascanio, representing the goddess Shiva dances in an ascetic way immersed in the artist's paintings, movements and cycles of creation and destruction until reaching a transformation and fusion with the Quantum Universe.

Alberto Di Fabio will open his second studio, a few steps from the main one, to host the exhibition of the works of Stefano Tedeschi aka Ortro and Giovanni Martinini.Stefano's works are subjective snapshots of contemporary chaos, while Giovanni's papers are intimate and lyrical immersions of the soul.

An artist who supports other artists. Different languages ​​finding onecommon synergy in showing personal visions of reality. Visions thatthey are often also therapies.


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