Silent Cities – Raging Cities. Urban Dichotomy

Trento Art Festival Online Exhibition

digital set-up

digital set-up

View the Exhibition until March, 15, 2021

Our echoing footsteps on the sidewalk: we have all faced this alienating urban experience.

We felt lonely so we eyed through the windows of the buildings, looking for signs of the life that had now evaporated from the Silent Cities.

Then we started walking with eyes turned to the sky. We discovered flourishing terraces, we rejoiced for the sun and the silence.

Wistfully waiting to get back to our previous life, to the noise, the crowd, the wild beauty of the Raging Cities.

Being out again was dizzying, a vertigo of smiling faces, air vibrating as on the first day we truly sense Spring on our skin.

Yet soon we are back to life, gazing at the cobblestones overwhelmed by the noise and the irritation. We ask ourselves, “Indeed, is this the life we want?”.

The sounds of the city, recorded live on the sites of the paintings, are blended with the pictures in an audio setting that makes the visit striking and immersive.

Artists: Patrizia Langher, Quelchevale, Valerio Scarapazzi, Mariarosaria Stigliano

Audio installation: Laura Arcangeli

Digital set-up: Filippo Rigato

Traslation: Patrizia Verrecchia

Curated by Penelope Filacchione


Artists not present in this edition
