Be**pART! The largest collective show ever!

Epochal event that claims the importance of contemporary art in an era of crisis

With the aim of catching the Guinness World Record and reacting to the isolation and alienation caused by the world pandemic, 1500 Independent Producers and 20 curators "Ambassadors be*part" from all over the world have responded to the call launched by Gio Montez to participate in the largest collective art exhibition ever, set up at Atelier Montez.

The exhibition transnationally involves all those who are facing the emergency of a strong social marginalization and a severe economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The cultural sector has not benefited from any concrete aid from Europe and national governments, substantially more committed to saving the banks and the interests of the big multinationals by concentrating the benefits in a political, financial and telematic oligopoly.

Art and cultural activity are not just consumer goods; they are a way of life for us. At this historic moment when Europe is, to say the least, distracted, we have a duty to intervene so as not to leave isolated the Independent Producers who are facing this extreme situation.Together We want to set an example and show the world that culture must never stop! We organize an exhibition at a time when exhibitions are even forbidden; indeed, we will make just the largest collective art exhibition ever. Through this paradox we want to give a strong, unforgettable signal: being human does not just mean surviving, but rather living.

While we take security measures to contain the epidemic, we invent a system that can guarantee us both the results: surviving the virus and the crisis. So we organize at Atelier Montez the largest collective art exhibition ever, exposing and selling 45,000 works of art of small format, produced by 1500 Independent Producers who work for months with a common goal: write a new Guinness World Record, a great milestone that will draw everyone’s attention to our initiative.

The goal is reached with many small gestures added together, a partnership of intent that will not go unnoticed. Be*part comes from below and is aimed at all those who want to join supporting our project and sharing democratic values with us.

We are a tsunami, a powerful network effect that will involve more and more people to bring the phenomenon to the center of world attention, convinced that this publicity will be able to guarantee an increasing number of accessions and consents that will be fundamental to offset the negative effects of the crisis.

Our testimony recounts this difficult historical period as a constructive moment, in which imagination and creativity highlight the positive aspects of solidarity and social cohesion, transforming the needs of today into a virtue and an example to remember for future generations.The project is conceived and curated by Gio Montez, with the collaboration of Marco Galletti (production director of Atelier Montez) and Marcella Magaletti (Curator of Atelier Montez), in addition to the 20 Ambassadors be*part that operate in the 5 continents to involve and guide the Independent Producers participating in the project.


The exhibition will be inaugurated on the 29th October at 6 pm. on the occasion of the fifth edition of the Rome Art Week and will be open throughout 2021 at the spaces of Atelier Montez (by appointment).


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