Exhibition / Event "Science and Consciousness - Messages useful to humanity"

Meeting with the artists on the theme of the exhibition

On the occasion of the International Conference "SCIENZIATI PER LA PACE - Planetary Consciousness and Ethics", to be held in Città della Pieve from October 19th to 21st, the Associazione MitreoIside and the Associazione Bandiera della Pace of Rome, have organized an exhibition that held at the Mithreum, with inauguration on 5 October 2018, from 17.00 to 19.30, on the occasion of the Conference presenting the Conference.

The exhibition, which is included in the events of the 14th AMACI Contemporary Day, an event that sees 24 museums and about 1000 Italian companies, open its doors to the public for free to bring Contemporary Art to everyone, wants to contribute to to make an intuitive and imaginative contribution of the artists, on the role of science but also of the conscience in the future of humanity, using the universal language of Art as indispensable nourishment of the Culture of Peace.

The meeting between Art, Science and Consciousness is a fundamental link in the ethical development of Humanity and every necessary contribution to create that dialogue indispensable for the growth and development of a new vision of personal and collective well-being.

The 46 artists who have joined the Open Call, through their works, will communicate their present and future vision of a Science and a Consciousness that responds to the real needs of the human being and that respects the life of the Planet. The exhibition is curated by Monica Melani; in the critical text catalog by Carlo Roberto Sciascia.

These are the artists who exhibit their dedicated works: Alder, Laura Apolonio, Romano Auciello, Maria Bartolucci, Wanda Bettozzi, Andrea Bevilacqua, Francesca Borsetti, Gianfranco Caldarelli, Giuseppe Caputo, Marina Cirillo, Serena Damiani, Vincenzo De Moro, Loris Del Viva, Rosanna Della Valle, Rita Denaro, Marco Tullio Dentale, Paolo Di Nozzi, Renzo Eusebi, Leonilde Fappiano, Primo Gambini, Gigi Gramantieri, Rosa Guarino, Paolo Lizzi, Francesca Romana Mainieri, Claudia Manelli, Paola Marinelli, Venanzio Marra, Paolo Megazzini, Monica Melani, Loredana Middione, Adamo Modesto, Berit Bredahl Nielsen, Ilaria Occhigrossi, Laura Oliva, Liliana Paganini, Giuliana Pellacani, Roberto Pinetta, Michele Polizzi, Laura Ranieri, Elio Rizzo, Angelo Salvatori, Monica Sarandrea, Bartolomeo Sciascia, Katia Seri, Saad Usama, Ernestina Zavarella

During the exhibition at the Mithreum it will also be selected, by a special jury made up of the representatives of the three organizing associations, one of the participating works, which will have the opportunity to be exposed to a second exhibition, organized by the Saraswati Association, to be held at the Culture Hall of the Living Ethics Community of Città della Pieve during the Conference which intends to share and then elaborate a declaration of intent, "Scientists for Peace", to be sent to UNESCO and to be disseminated through all the planetary media. The Conference for the presentation of the Conference "Scientists for Peace", conducted by Prof. Hartmut Muller and Dr. Leili Kosravi, will be held at the Mithreum on 5 October, after the inauguration and presentation of the exhibition "Science and Consciousness - Useful Messages Mankind ". Info Conference "SCIENTISTS FOR PEACE" - www.comunitadieticavivente.org Info Flag of Peace - www.associazionebandieradellapace.org


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