Mitreo Iside
An ongoing work/testimony on the creative process and an Art at the service of the human being and his evolution. 800m2 redeveloped for artists, public, private and public bodies, for culture, social commitment and territorial development.
Data and contact details

Since its foundation it has hosted more than 3000 artists including: Since the opening there have been many activities over the past three years some of them free of charge: and presentation of the winning project "Creative Rome: the cultural offer for new audiences" Roma Capitale (Feb2015) "Mare, Amore e De Pretore": theatrical show with Mariano Rigillo and Teresa Rossini and "La grande lirica in Corviale", with the soprano Marta Vulpi in the 6th edition of the "Sipario d'Inverno" festival, Gino Auriuso (Feb-Mar2015) "Interior Disarmament" SENZATOMICA Rome: "Let's disarm ourselves together dancing, singing and listening to the music!" Spazio Factory La Pelanda promotion (Mar2015) RUA: Dancing and theatre show curated by Psuké – Dancers: Martina Vanini and Elisa Panfili (Apr2015) African October. If only you would look at me: APS "Le Réseau" - workshops, exhibitions, fashion shows, books, dances, martial arts, cinema, tastings and Jam Session with international artists and musicians including with Fiorella Mannoia Art routes in Italy 2015: presentation of the volume edited by Giorgio Di Genova and Enzo Le Pera for Rubbettino Editore and dedicated exhibition. Cinzia Folcarelli, art critic, Cristiano Piacenti, collector, F. Mossino municipal councillor for culture XI (Nov 2015 ) Getting excited in Corviale: association The Laboratory, a project for adults, the elders, adolescents and pre-adolescents with a photographic exhibition and an interactive map. Liberto, CAG Luogocomune Arci Solidarietà, P.Galeota, Aps Corviale Domani, Roberto De Angelis, urban anthropologist, Sbaglio-Rap crew young corviale (Nov2015) Corviale ... Sorry If I Exist !: ass. A.M.I.C.A., presentation of the winning project of the international "Rigenerare Corviale" competition, tastings, dances and film screening Pontili Corviale": presentation of the book and research DIAP Dept. Architecture and Project Sapienza University Rome, ed. Quodlibet.Interventions by the authors Lucina Caravaggi and Cristina Imbroglini, M.Veloccia, Sabina De Luca, Dip Development and Funding European Projects Roma Capitale (Feb2016) Multicultural interaction and work: conference of the Ass.Filomati with speeches by Alessandro Bertirotti, Univ. Studies Genoa, Andrea Gentile, Univ. Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Federico Ferraro, Resp. juvenile naz.le Consolidal, Enrico Davide Gavello, General Secretary UNEDUCH (Mar 2016) Welcome President Boldrini: together to change the Corviale Quadrant (May 2016) Vision Arvalia-how to re-generates a territory ": event with multidisciplinary happenings by various associations of the territory, exhibition with works and performances by 19 artists in the competition and videos of the active citizenship section (May-June 2016) We dream and Siam Desti. Day centers at work: RM3 ASL with art exhibitions, music, entertainment, videos and tastings (Jun 2016) The long night of the Suburbs: 7 hours of talks at Radio Commitment by the MitreoIside and Corviale Assemblies Tomorrow to discuss suburbs and the "bottom up" solutions for the regeneration of the territories - Dance in piazza: Festival of Dances Popular Italian and international music with live music by Madana Marco Rufo and Davide Roberto (Oct 2016) Visionaria: collective exhibition of Arte Visionaria.Three days of painting, music, video mapping, bodypainting, laboratories and workshops (Nov2016) Love and Frequencies: conference organized by the "Anti-frequency". Speeches by M.Johnston (BBC and Sky television and radio engineer), V. Venturi (filmmaker Independent Producers), M. Cosentino (Anonymous Universal Studios) (Nov2016) Realization of the murals on the outer wall of the Mithraeum by the artist Gojo, winner of the “Arvalia on display. Works filmed and documented daily on the web (Dec 2016) Corviale's transforming energy ": collective work and event (Dec 2016) Art routes in Italy 2016 ": presentation of the book Rubbettino Editore and dedicated exhibition with works by 40 artists. Debate" Segments and visual codes: where art goes today "with speeches by M. Melani, Marina Loi Culture MunicipioXI, G. Martone Culture Commission, Giorgio Di Genova and Enzo Le Pera curators of the volume, Maurizio Vitiello and Laura Turco Liveri art critics. Performance by the soprano Naho Yokoyama (director of the MitreoIside Choir), musical essay “The guitar: history, music and expression of Life "by Roberto Valle and Gabriel Giordano (Jan 2017) Ten-year anniversary of the Mitreo: "Orange Economy" debate meeting with Gian Paolo Manzella Councilor for the Lazio Region, Erino Colombi President of CAN Rome, Andrea Masala President of LABIS, etc. Contemporary Art Exhibition with works by 79 artists, Contemporary Dance performance, MelAjna® Method Energy Painting, institutional greetings, debate on the social value of contemporary art with Damiano Laterza curator and journalist Sole24Ore, Marina Loi aCultura MunicipioXI G. Martone Municipal Councilor, LauraTurcoLiveri, historian and art critic, Piermarco Parracciani, art critic and essayist. Piano and voice concert, literary coffee with book presentation by Anna Manzo, Corviale writer presented by Carla De Angelis (writer, creator of the review Corviale looks for poets), readings by Michela Cesaretti Salvi (actress) (May2017) Corviale Urban Lab: Procult with Reading theatricals of the poets Gio Evan and Ivan Talarico, concerts by Gianluca Secco, revelation Tenco award 2016, Leo Folgori and Luca Manoni, Slavi Bravissime Persone, XHU and the Dream of the Chrysalis. Exhibitions of contemporary art and live painting (Sep2017) Exhibition / event The Regeneration of Art c / o "Casetta Mattei" and Mitreo Comm.le Center: works by about 80 artists, live painting, contemporary art workshops and book art, performances of classical dance, popular, contemporary, country line, singing, reading and video, debate on the value of art for the regeneration of Corviale - interventions: Angelo Nardi-critic, M.Melani, G.Martone, councilor Municipio XI (Nov2017) Quadretto piccolo del Depliant Please contact Monica Melani to discuss cultural activities, events, didactic and educational collaboration. MITREO – CONTEMPORARY ART, also called MITREOISIDE, is a prestigious location of 800mq, granted in use by the City Hall XI Arvalia of Rome (ex XV) who shared its intent. A space abandoned for more than twenty years and redeveloped by the will and passion of the artist Monica Melani, who considers it one of the most complex and at the same time extraordinary works of her research started on the 1981 about the creative process ‘On the invisible thread that unites everything’ and the discovery of a new way to do Art at the service of the human being and its evolution. Inaugurated on the year 2007 this space wants to be the place to live Art, to recover dreams and talents, to prevent discomfort and loneliness. The main purpose is to put at the centre of all the activities and relationships the creative part of each person, that originality which makes us one of a kind and unique, without being afraid of that "diversity" to get to know, to expand and share as a wealth at the service of the whole community. Mitreo it is in fact conceived and built in his set up as a place-work in ‘continuous becoming’ where to meet international artists, organizations, public and private corporations, associations, communities, companies committed to bring culture and economic development to relaunch Corviale. This area is already known and studied by all the universities of the world for its architecture inspired by Le Corbusier and the goal is to centre the attention as well as in the city of Rome, with the ambition of an international expansion. It’s a multipurpose and multifunctional space where are scheduled daily languages courses for children and adults from 3 to 90 years, art classes such as visual arts, classical dance, contemporary, popular, theatre shows, singing, art therapy. All the activities are free of charge for disadvantaged people in order to have equal opportunities. Mitreo’s original purpose was helping restore the social and propulsive value of art to the centre of Contemporary society. Through the time it has been distinguished for attracting and connecting culture and creative resources bringing economy in the borough to the advantage of the community members realising in partnership with other association, professional people, private and public companies almost 600 events such as 120 group and private art exhibitions, concerts, shows, entertainment, conferences and congresses, book presentations more than 50% free entrance. It became over the years an important point of aggregation and cultural reference thanks to the audience appreciation. More than 3000 national and international artists did choose Mitreo as the location to give visibility to their artworks and performances. In 2024, MitreoIside aps ets organized, in collaboration with MI.C. RO of Salvatore Carbone an excellent exhibition “Giulio D'Anna and the Italian Aeropainters” which, with its 70 works by the likes of Giacomo and Elica Balla, Tullio Crali, Tato, Dottori, Prampolini, Depero, D'Anna himself, Andreozzi, Ambrosi, Fillia, Canevari, Baldessari, Sibò, Benedetto, Bruschetti,  Gambini, Dulgheroff, Venna, Di Bosso, Delle Site, Ciacielli, Duse, Lepore, Mazzorin, Voltolina, Saladin, Di Lazzaro, Osvaldo Bot, Mario Gros and beautiful ten works by female aeropainters such as Benedetta, Marisa Mori, Barbara, Leandra Angelucci Cominazzini, Adele Gloria, Magda Falchetto, drew enthusiasts from all over Italy. The catalog includes texts by curators Maurizio Scudiero and Anna Maria Ruta, historians Giancarlo Carpi, Elena Gigli and Claudio Cantella, Albertina D'Anna and art directors Salvatore Carbone and Monica Melani.  The exhibition was made possible by loans from private collectors, the Futurist and Baldessari archives in Rovereto, the Depero archive, the Futur-ism portal, and galleries such as:  LeoGalleries, Matteotti, Lattuada and Pirra.

In addition to the various activity in house Mitreo boasts a unique Painting School of Applied Art named MelAjna® Method. The School is open to everyone interested to discover their own self and talents through watercolours. This new method after 10 years of experiments has been officially presented on September 2012 at the workshop ‘The Spirit of Water’ by Doctor Masaru Emoto Japanese author and pseudoscientist known all over the world for his research on the molecular structure of water. On 2016 he’s been the subject of a workshop organised for different corporate companies, within the prestigious International Prize of Contemporary Art "Limen Arte", at the Vibo Valentia Chamber of Commerce. The place is located along Via Portuense, 7 km from Trastevere Station, 10 km from St. Peter's Square and 12 km from Termini Station and can be reached by 6 public buses (98; 775; 785; 786; 889; 771) from different areas of the town. A wide free parking area with hundreds space is dedicated to drivers. IL MITREO-ARTE CONTEMPORANEA is in Via Marino Mazzacurati 61-63 Zip code 00148 Rome, just aside the headquarters of the Police Authorities offices and the Council Chamber of the City Hall Rome XI (ex XV), in front of the library "Renato Nicolini" 200 meters from the shopping centre "Casetta Mattei".

Events at Rome Art Week
20 Oct-13 Nov 2024
Free access
Vernissage Sunday 20 Oct 2024 | 17:00-20:00
Mitreo Iside
Via Marino Mazzacurati 61/63
Poems for Corviale
26 Oct 2024 | 12:00-13:00
Poetry reading “Poems for Corviale” by Francesca Tuscano of the Ars&Technè: Rocco Ditella, Lucia Izzo, Alessandra Del Prete, Francesco Lioce, Francesca Tuscano The reading is also open to poets and poetesses from Corviale
Free access
Mitreo Arte Contemporanea
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 61
“Environmental, social and relational sensitivity ADAMO MODESTO: THE MAN AND THE ARTIST”
20 Oct-03 Nov 2023
SOLO EXHIBITION: 20 October – 3 November 2023 Curated by Monica Melani
Free access
Vernissage Friday 20 Oct 2023 | 19:30-21:30
Mitreo Iside
Via Marino Mazzacurati 61/63
Eros e Thanatos
30 Oct-05 Nov 2021
Quella che il bruco chiama fine del mondo, il resto del mondo chiama farfalla
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 30 Oct 2021 | 17:30-20:00
Il Mitreo
Via Marino Mazzacurati 61/63
Festa delle 7 Arti - dedicata ad Eros & Thanatos
30 Oct 2021 | Time to be defined
Performance di Arte Contemporanea
Free access
Orario non definito
Il Mitreo
Via Marino Mazzacurati 61/63
“MEMORIE, OMBRE E SEGNI”. Personale di Umberto Ippoliti
23 Oct 2019 | 19:30
Visita guidata della mostra in compagnia dell'artista
Free access
Il Mitreo
Via Marino Mazzacurati 61/63
 Exhibition / Event "Science and Consciousness - Messages useful to humanity"
24 Oct 2018 | 19:30
Meeting with the artists on the theme of the exhibition
Free access
Il Mitreo Arte Contemporanea di Corviale
Via Poggio Verde 40
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