The artists house

The 'living' art of Sally Smart

Sally Smart (b. 1960) is one of Australia's leading contemporary artists recognized internationally for her installations, performances, videos and textile works that address relationships between body, thought and culture.    

The spaces of the Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum, an early 20th-century eclectic-style villa inhabited until the 1970s by a branch of the Boncompagni Ludovisi family, become the 'home' where Sally Smart's works live and the arts evoked by her works: Ancient Greek-Roman tragedy, 16th-century Commedia dell'Arte and early 20th-century Ballets Russes. Each of her works; textile artworks, assemblage, bronze and fabric sculpture, dances with mythology, archetypes, psychology, costume, and theatre. These contemporary works intervene and respond to the dedicated 19th- and 20th-century fashion and costume, meet the works of the collection, integrate into the museum sets, confront 17th-century Flemish tapestries and archaeological suggestions in the trompe l'oeil of the salon of Vedute that evokes the splendor of the ancient Horti Sallustiani and the vanished Villa Ludovisi.

The exhibition is curated by Matilde Amaturo, Valentina Filamingo, Eugenia Carabba Tettamanti, Paulina Bebecka and is in collaboration with PostmastersROMA.


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