Criticism as an artist

A reflection on art criticism, from Oscar Wilde to Carla Lonzi

In line with the project "Ontology of Art" presented last year, we propose a collective reflection on the role of art criticism, deliberately maintaining the ambiguity of the term "critic," which can be interpreted both as the figure of a woman who plays a specific role and as the process of discussing visual art. Our analysis will take as its starting point Oscar Wilde's essay entitled "The Critic as Artist," written in 1891, and then extend to Carla Lonzi's contribution by passing through numerous art critics such as Margherita Sarfatti, Palma Bucarelli, and Mirella Bentivoglio. regarding this issue. In her 1970 book, Let's Spit on Hegel, Carla Lonzi made the radical decision to abandon conventional art criticism, opening up new theoretical and practical perspectives on female creativity and the emancipation of women in the artistic sphere.

Translated with (free version)

A lecture on the topic of Gianni and Giuseppe Garrera, twin brothers whose Gianni is a musical philologist, translator (he edited Kierkegaard's aesthetic works for BUR's 'Classics of Thought') and playwright; Giuseppe, on the other hand, is a musicologist and art historian. Both are passionate collectors.


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