Lividi - Antonella Catini

paintings by Antonella Catini

LIVIDI (BRUISES), works of Antonella Catini

by Francesca Bertuglia

On the seventh floor of via Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 91 – Roma


October 11th 2017 – opening of the exhibition of Antonella Catini's works from 18.30 to 21.00  in the context of RAW Rome Art WeeK

October 14th 2017 – Antonella Catini & Antonella Catini – poetic incursions by Antonella Catini Lucente


LIVIDI (BRUISES), when the canvas becomes a place giving voice to the interior world of the artist..

Feelings, suffering, and sorrow are thrown into the two-dimensional space, like projections on the diaphragm canvas, allows a sort of detachment

"For so long I wanted give an exhibition this title" says Antonella.

The soul's bruises emerge through crude lumps of very contrasting colors and scratchy brush strokes that draw weird trails at the bottom of which you can see and imagine profiles of cities, hills, dunes, and water mirrors.

Antonella Catini, born in Pisa, lives in Rome. Graduated in architecture she always linked his attention to space, form and visual perception with pictorial research.

She works with color and material composing shapes and signs through a process of overlapping and disconnections. Some of her works are on permanent display at institutional spaces and have been published in numerous catalogs and magazines. Many exhibitions have been devoted to her works in Italy and abroad and she has to his credit numerous awards.

During the exhibition from October 11th to November 8th the exhibition will turn into a two evenings proscenium:

Saturday October 14th, from 18.30, reading with a poetic menu of Antonella Catini, namesake and friend of the painter.

Antonella Catini, a Roman poetess, lives and works in Rome. She has won many poetry awards. Her poetry digs into the depths of the soul, touching the deepest darkness, scratching and burning. Through her work she rises to the sublime peaks of pure love, timeless beauty, everlasting harmony.

Friday October 27th at 20.30 Ludovico Franco (trumpet) and Luca Zadra (drums). The musical duo will propose a performance in which different and opposite musical moments will alternate, inspired by contrasting musical genres, including jazz, metal and post-rock, having as common denominator the free improvisation and impromptu.

Ludovico Franco begins very soon his musical studies, devoting himself to the study of the trumpet from the age of  twelve year. He then passionates on jazz, a musical genre that he deepens in the Conservatory of Frosinone and in Rotterdam's Codarts. Through this experience he approaches more radical forms of improvisation in the broadest sense: jazz but also other musical genres such as metal and hip-hop. 

Luca Zadra started working on the battery at the age of 15 by playing in different metal and rock music groups (Otsunami, The Lad and the Others, Lohren) playing in Italy and abroad. He approaches jazz in the Popular School of Testaccio and then undergoes university studies at the Conservatory of Frosinone and Maastricht, where he deepens jazz in the most modern forms.

The penthouse with a view on S. Giovanni in Laterano, which will host the exhibition and theater evenings regularly welcomes events organized by “PARTY - the Art to/for Receiving”, a format that promotes a different way of living the experience of Art in domestic spaces, contaminated by the presence of those who live there.

The LIVIDI (BRUISES) exhibition will continue until November 8th by appointment


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