East East East - East seen from West

A reflection by Alberto D'Amico, Bruno Lo Turco, Silvia Stucky

5 p.m. - 長年 Naganen. Chanoyu view from the west, offered by Silvia Stucky, host Isabelle Dehais.

6.15 p.m. -  speech -

Bruno Lo Turco - India of the Greeks or The permanence of the fantastic

Guidotto Colleoni - The Dante of Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916): when the giant of modern Japanese literature made use of the supreme Italian poet.

Laura Corrado - Tiananmen 1989

Melissa Lohman - The Conductive Body A short physical intervention and some words about butoh dance.

Claudia Melica - The discovery of the Orient among the German philosophers of the nineteenth century.

Carlo Severati - M'AGURO (an Italian architect in Japan)

The event, conceived by Alberto D'Amico, Bruno Lo Turco and Silvia Stucky, probes various areas of formulation, explicit or implicit, of the notion of the East by the West, areas such as music, literature, visual arts, religion, in which the definition and representation of the exotic are constantly regenerated in dependence on the social and cultural changes of the West itself. In short, the various and ever-changing ways of approaching the East are investigated, sometimes creating new eclectic identities that are never fixed, pre-established or homogeneous, but are continuously reformulated in the encounter with cultures, customs, philosophies and Asian disciplines (yoga, taijiquan, ikebana, feng shui, vipassanā, zen ...). At the same time the event wants to reflect on those aspects of the Western attitude towards the East that seem impervious to historical changes, which are reflected in both literature and common sense, and that seem to have come from classical civilization directly to us.

 (thanks to Werther Germondari for the title suggestion)

free entry with greenpass


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