The child who dreamed of infinity

Paper Tales by Elisabetta Pagnani with Viola Valletta on the Cello

"... the landscape around them was certainly vast, and it must also be very beautiful. You could tell from the flight and the colors of the birds; that land must have been beautiful if it had forced them to dress in such elegant clothes to inhabit it". But to see it all, without limits, it was necessary to eliminate any barrier created by plants and high hedges. Climbing trees was not enough.

Curiosity is part of growth and only those who are not satisfied with seeing what is within an inch of their nose, only those who go beyond the treetops to find out what the birds see from up there, can cross all the hedges and leave. much higher than all the trees ...

Look close, look far. In the first case we can distinguish the details, the smallest details, the subtle veins of reality; in the second case it is possible to contemplate things "from afar", seeing them in their entirety, placing them in relation to the whole, beyond the limits of the usual horizon. In a certain sense, looking into the distance can become the condition for seeing better near. Of this particular gaze narrates "The child who dreamed of infinity" by Jean Giono (author of "The man who planted trees") a simple fairy tale for children in appearance, but more profoundly a story that frees the mind by going beyond. A story about nature, about the curiosity to know and deepen, about the freedom to desire and discover.

A narration made at the tip of a voice to leave room for imagination and allow you to fly over the trees together with the child to discovera boundless space: "The greatest surprise of the child was in realizingthat the sight reached so far. He understood now what he meant when he said it - as far as the eye could see -: it was very far away. So far that maybe it didn't even exist".

"The child who dreamed of the Infinite" loosely based on Jean Jono is a chosen, interpreted and narrated fairy tale. Open book story that tells the deep and spontaneous bond of children with Nature. Of dream and amazement. Dedicated to the beauty of the natural elements, the wind, the sun, the rain, their dialogue with man, the living beings that inhabit and nourish the Earth.


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