Gregor Becker's chromatic ecosystems

Gregor Becker's chromatic ecosystem creates a sensorial path that connects vision and tactile experience in a correspondence between nature and cosmos, earth and sky.

Gregor Becker's chromatic ecosystems

Gregor Becker's imaginative and creative vision comes from the study of the mosaic
technique and the expressive potential of chromatic tiles combined in infinite
variations. However, if the origin of the fascination for mosaic can be traced back
to the Roman floors and the apses of Ravenna shining with gold, passing through t
he mosaic works of the Viennese Secession, practices and materials change
radically, modifying the very meaning of the mosaic technique,
from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, from static to dynamic.

In fact, Becker's language foresees that the tiles are not applied on the prepared
surface, as in the traditional mosaic technique, but emerge from the background
to create vertical, three-dimensional, flexible, mobile, dynamic mosaics:
once the tiles have been made to adhere - no longer glassy or marble, but made
of hand-coloured paper—they are shaped to impart movement, with effects in
strong relief, almost sculptural.

The special character of Gregor Becker's works is the quality of the relief of his
mosaics which flourish in the third dimension, acquire a plastic value and almost
ask to be touched: the work is manipulated, and a direction is given, a movement
to the surface which it is shaped to achieve the desired effect, which can vary
from an orderly pattern to a disordered texture, from a combed lawn to a stormy

The spatial quality, added to the chromatic one, is a direct consequence of his love
for the landscape and his activity as a landscaper, a quality that we trace in
panoramas dreamed and created through an infinity of three-dimensional tiles -
a poetic and sustainable version of pixels - oriented in such a way as to filter the
light in countless changes and transformations of vision.

A representation of the chromatic harmony of the universe, a garden in the
splendor of flowering or a sky of northern lights, windows on the three-dimensional
effects of light/colour. The vision is never limited to two-dimensionality, but
integrates the plastic values with the chromatic ones within dynamic flows,
inviting the observer to feel with all the senses the richness of the color material,
where plastic brushstrokes chase each other, mix, they intersect in a perennial
current of energy and color.

Costanza Barbieri


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