Anna Maria Tanzi Open Studio

The open studio is hosted by Gatsby Cafè at the Giardino Calipari di Vittorio E. II. The installation will be accompanied by a concert of musician and painter Mattia Abballe at the end of the day

The work I present for this edition of RAW is URBAN LANDSCAPE, a work designed for an exhibition conceived in 2019 for the House of Architecture then canceled and of which I steal part of the title.

One day I was stopped at the traffic light of the intersection of via di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme with via Statilia my gaze was on the placemarket of this last. It was then that I came to know first who Statilia was and then to know how many streets of the Esquilino, the neighborhood where I live and place of the urban landscapes of the missing exhibition, are named after women.

The discovery is now made evident by a reinvented dot that embroidered the map of the Esquilino on the wings of two butterflies locked in their cocoon.

Of the 73 streets and squares in the ward, only two have women’s names.

My works are always in some way related to the place where they are presented as well as being linked to each other and the Gatsby Cafè at the Giardino Calipari, heart of the Esquilino, I now seemed the ideal place.

At the end of the day, at 5:00 p.m., Mattia Abballe (musician and painter) will perform two original compositions for saxophone dedicated to the work.


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