Jole Falco Open Studio

Presentation: The Word is Water - immersive packaging with live performance.

For this edition of RAW 2024, the artist Jole Falco opens her studio to the public hosting and creating an installation event in collaboration with "Il Salotto di Maria Grazia". An art scene meets a performative art.

"La Parla e L'acqua"  sees the union of visual imagery of Jole Falco and the voice of poets and musicians from "Salotto di Maria Grazia".

This art installation aims to make the spaces of the neighborhood live as places of art, involving the daily panorama of homes with different expressive forms. The walkways of via dei Campani 69 will be transformed for one evening into an open-air gallery where installations that bring back to the flow of water will be accompanied by the voice of poets and the notes of musicians invited to contribute to the event.

With "La Parla e L'acqua" we want to bring attention to the element that is at the basis of the origin of life and consequently of the survival of living beings; a collective moment to regain and rediscover the meaning and value of words as much as water, as a vital common good. The progressive disappearance of both the value of words and, physically, of water from the planet, lead to reflection on the preservation of both culture and nature.


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