Giulia Napoleone curated by Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma

From 2 October to 11 December 2024

Monday and Friday, 4.00 – 7.00 pm


The exhibition - the first entirely dedicated to a guest artist, following the dialogues and collective exhibitions undertaken with Tamburi's work - is created with the collaboration of Sergio Pandolfini of Edizioni Il Bulino.


The "verse" in the exhibition's title links a direction and a composition: turning your gaze to the sky and dedicating poetry and images to it, a form that emerges from a perennial search.

Giulia Napoleone's works arise from the need to define a different writing, free of words yet organised by sequences, orders, measures, rhythms, and scores.  To the colour, she entrusts the task of recording every minimal variation of feeling, a colour that the artist prefers for its similarities to the sky: blue, which, inheriting the centuries-old experiences of painting, here declines in the infinite modulations of the nuance or is concentrated, thickening, in the multiple lines of the horizontal application.



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