
Experimentation: breaking through our boundaries as artists. Exploration of new techniques, discovery and inspiration from art that surrounds us all trigger the creative process. In awe, we witness how something from our own hands unfolds almost by itself


Carrying out experiments…

Even though the digital era supplies us with an enormous quantity of information, even though it may seem almost impossible to discover a road never traveled, even though we see anything and everything…

And yet, our desire to go beyond our own boundaries persists: to discover, to try things out for ourselves, to investigate new techniques transcending those we know, to use inspiration from works of art that surround us to experiment…. In amazement, we witness how something which starts in our own hands unfolds, almost by itself.

The exhibit features art works by professional artists, as well as artwork by people who frequent the Bottega di Spiritree in search of a new mode of self-expression through art making. 



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