Carol Hendrickson
Her focus lies in 3D artwork in papier mâché: theatrical masks, props, realistic and abstract sculpture which often come to life in her work as a performance artist. She facilitates group projects at the Spiritree Bottega.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

Carol Hendrickson, born in the USA, earned a B.A degree in Fine Arts at Boston University and subsequently studied at “La Strada”, a mime school in Rome.

In the USA in 1987, Carol Hendrickson, in collaboration with Marco Giammetti, co-founded Spiritree to pursue her artistic endeavors in the fields of gestural theatre, puppetry and the visual arts. She works both in the USA and Italy.

Since 1988, she has created and performed in Spiritree’s theatrical events such as the Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors Festival in New York City, First Night Morris County, USA, the Roman Festival of Urban Theatre, and from 1994 through 2012, the culminating performances created during Spiritree’s annual summer workshops on Art and Creativity, held in various locations in Italy.

From 1989 to present, Carol has conducted over 300 artist-in-residency projects in schools in NJ and NY as part of the public school program, “Artists in Education”.


Besides being both a performer and teaching artist, Carol’s specialty lies the creation of masks and in the art of papier mâché.

1987 – Roccansamble (Performance and exhibit of papier mâché sculpture) Rocca Paolina, Pergugia, Italy

2002 – Design, creation and installation of the Legacy Tree at Goryeb Children’s Hospital, Morristown, NJ, USA.


Collective art shows

At the Spiritree Bottega, Rome:

2009 – Artists’ Café

2010 – Suspended sculpture, mobile

2011 – Limestone (papier mâché installation)

2012 – Transformation of a chair

2013 – Marionette and sculpture in movement

2014 – Dreams in progress

2014 – When the cats aren’t around …

2015 – Grotesque

2015 – Yesterday, today and …

2018 – Labyrinth

2019 – Alice…in Wonderland

2022 – Whimsical Bestiary (as part of Open House Rome)


Participation in Ipazia Immaginepensiero’s collective exhibitions:

2018 – Per appiam ’18   VII International Art Festival, Cartiera Latina, Roma

2019 – Insieme – Arvalia Day Center hosts Ipazia, Rome

2019 – Ipazia at Ostia – Art and Passion

2019 – Per appiam ’19   VIII International Art Festival, Cartiera Latina, Roma

2020 – Imagining dreams – Psychotherapeutic Community at the Catacombs of Generosa, Rome

2020 – Per appiam ’20   IX International Art Festival, Cartiera Latina, Roma

2021 – Per appiam ’21   X International Art Festival, Cartiera Latina, Roma

2022 – Women in Art, a quest into matter


Participation in exhibitions at the Capella Orsini, Rome

2018 – Behind the mask, between sacred and profane

2019 – Off with the mask! Concealment and revelation

2019 – The Insidious Tiber

2020 –The Narcissus Collective art shows


Participation in “Riscarti” Festival of Creative Recycling

2023 – Peace and War

2024 -  Empathy - installation


Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
25-29 Oct 2023
The artist’s craft is to transform materials, ideas and emotions
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 25 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:00
Associazione Culturale Spiritree
Piazza Giancarlo Vallauri, 5
Image not present
28 Oct 2023 | 18:30-19:30
Transforming shapes through movement
Gestural theater piece
Free access
Associazione Culturale Spiritree
Piazza Giancarlo Vallauri, 5
Circo Circuito - A Collective Exhibition
26-30 Oct 2022
Circo Circuito - A Collective Exhibition
Paintings, ceramics and an installation in papier mâché - Circo Curioso
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 26 Oct 2022 | 16:00-20:00
Bottega di Spiritree e Atelier d'arte
Piazza Vallauri,5 e Piazza Sauli, 5
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