A moment of joy made of images, words and melodies to talk about man and describe the world through the language of colours, words and sounds

All the selected works compose
a contemporary and imaginative mosaic of art
that ranges between visual art, poetics and music
because sounds, words and colors are protagonists of our lives:
they surround us, influence our language, our environment,
and everything what revolves around us.

Francesca Alfonsi, Antonella Ariosto, Tiziana Bartolini, KALOS, KEFA, Maria Grazia Lunghi, Gloria Monaldi, Laura Palmarocchi, Barbara Partis, Elena Picciolo, Mauro Porrega, Mauro Rubini, Veronica Rubini, Mariantonietta Sampaolo, Eugenia Simonetti, Cristina Smeraldi, Stefano Tagliati, Giovanna Tancredi, Patrizia Volpicella, Michela Zanarella, Tatyana Zaytseva


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