The irreverence of Boudoir

Boudoir Photography Exhibition by Andrea Colarieti and Micaela Zuliani

Can a "defective" body become the emblem of charm?

The event aims to raise public awareness, on the topic of women's right to freely live their femininity.Reversing clichés. Making the object of discrimination the site of supervaluation.Elevating the defect, the stigma of waste in the society of the perfect, to an emblem of charm.For this reason this Rome/Milan twinning was born, between the two major Italian exponents of this sector.

The Boudoir represents a subtle and powerful form of freedom: it is not a question of photographing the undressed woman to satisfy the man's desire, but rather the woman wants to be photographed as she is, with her peculiarities and her imperfections, she celebrates herself in a healthy, authentic, free way and she does it for herself in a proud, proud way, often after having spent years criticizing herself, not accepting herself, or fighting against serious illnesses or addressing social issues, which are too often forgotten and covered up, such as disability, breast cancer, sensuality in women over 60, etc.

This exhibition therefore wants to be a warning, a hymn to the authenticity of the human being for what he is, true, courageous, without the fear of showing his own imperfections, because it is precisely the latter that tell us who we are, differentiate us from each other from others and why, perfection gentlemen does not exist!


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