A convivial evening and a participatory interview at AN IMPERFECT EXHIBITION, featuring the works of Alfredo Tramutoli and Silvia Pao, for the realization of the 8thSalottino Bohemien episode, the video will be viewable on Craving Art's YouTube channel

The Salottino Bohemien is an event conceived by Craving Art that takes place monthly and of which a Special Edition has been included during Rome Art Week, specifically exceptionally it will be held at Alfredo Tramutoli's Art Gallery as an event of  "Una mostra imperfetta, le opere di Alfredo tramutoli e Silvia Pao in dialogo", the works of Alfredo Tramutoli and Silvia Pao in dialogue.” This is an interview with the artists in which the audience will actively participate, being able to directly ask questions about their art and artistic journey. During the Salottino, video footage will be taken with which the episode will be made, which will then be posted on Craving Art's YouTube channel.  Salottino Bohemien  is a participatory, democratic and convivial event that brings art among people in a shared way without intellectualism, but where the artworks can be observed up close and the dialogue with the artist becomes more intimate and genuine. And after the interview we party by offering participants after dinner for a nice relaxing evening where you can make new acquaintances talk about art and have fun. 

To participate in the Salottino you must apply by email to Salottino Bohemian is a registered trademark.

**Punctuality is recommended at 8:30 p.m.


"Una mostra imperfetta, le opere di Alfredo tramutoli e Silvia Pao in dialogo"

The concept of imperfection, in this two-person exhibition by Alfredo Tramutoli and Silvia Pao, becomes the key to exploring life and its inevitable flow.

‘Una mostra imperfetta’ (An imperfect exhibition) is a provocative title intended to prompt a reflection on existence where regularity and chaos, order and disintegration, coexist and overlap.

Although Alfredo Tramutoli and Silvia Pao start from different artistic premises, they share a common sensitivity about the flow of time and existence. In his canvases, Alfredo Tramutoli, explores matter corrupted by the action of time, where rust, scratches, discolourations and stains interpret reality and its chaos, which, however, turns out to be harmonious. The artist does not try to tame disorder, but goes along with it, barely controlling randomness. With these paintings, Alfredo Tramutoli thus transforms decay into beauty. His research is a celebration of the transformative power of time, capable of rendering imperfections, such as signs of corrosion and deterioration, fascinating. These works, at first sight totally informal, are actually surfaces on which the tangible matter manifests itself in its evolution, and thus escape the very concept of abstractionism.

Silvia Pao's etchings are reticular, apparently ordered compositions that reveal, within their structure, infinite variety.  Each print, set within a field of geometric structure, although derived from the same matrix, is unique. In fact, the chromatic tone, the vibration of light and the layering of colour change. Here imperfection manifests itself as a deviation of rhythm, as a tension between order and variation, between the repetition of the everyday and the surprise of the small differences it contains. In the series Monaflor -Meditation on a Flower, Silvia Pao paints macroscopic flowers starting with broad impulsive drafts and erasures, which are followed by a more meditated intervention of subtle glazing and measured strokes. The duality between impulsive gesture and control, in these semi-figurative plant forms, reflects the concept of imperfection as an ineluctable quality of the flowing existence and, at the same time, expresses the beauty of the transitory and the inevitable discordance that belongs to living.

The imperfect exhibition translates into a profound reflection on how time acts on our experience. Alfredo Tramutoli explores the entropy that manifests itself in physical decay, while Silvia Pao investigates the tension between regularity and spontaneity.

Both artists, each with their own language, invite us to stop and observe those details that often escape in the chaos of everyday life.

‘An Imperfect Exhibition’ is thus a dialogue between two complementary visions and an invitation to reconsider the beauty of the unpredictable and to grasp the signs of time that mark existence. 

In the contemporary world that tends to venerate perfection, this exhibition celebrates imperfection as an emblem of authentic life.

The exhibition is curated by Alessia Dei's Craving Art. Craving Art is an independent, decentralised art gallery that has exhibited in several important locations over time. Craving Art's mission is to place the artist, the public and the collector at the centre of its work, always from their point of view, so that art becomes a source of knowledge, enjoyment and creative pleasure, in a new, more accessible and democratic way. 



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