Open studio by artist Tommy Nicoletti

Outsider Art has almost always been recognized posthumously, the widespread unanimous and almost devotional interest in art defined universally as such has almost always been relegated to a pathological manifestation, or at most a morbid curiosity for crazy thinking.

A new exhibition of Tommaso Nicoletti's most recent works, both in acrylic on canvas and digitally produced, establishes the rebellion against any expressive canon or fashion, represents in its apparent childish naivety, once again the art of the marginalized, the outcasts, of the recluses from the "normal" society.

An exhibition that aims to promote the activity of an art school for divergent artists, so that the freedom to express one's points of view by those who do not have story-telling arguments to express them is increasingly encouraged and nurtured.

It is a yearning for freedom and a joy of liberation that you can see growing every day by observing Tommy and his "colleagues" who produce themselves in the atelier in via Tommaso Gulli.


The aesthetic story traced by a mind divergent from the most shared standards brings to light a truly hidden dimension of objects and tangible reality.


We are not witnessing a "pathological" distortion of the average perceived reality, but rather the indication of other viable existences that neurotypicality has forbidden. It is an opposite point of view compared to the Lombrosian approach that defined “Crazy art” the finds he collected in prisons and asylums, only to reinforce his theories on the indelible stigma of divergence.


Kids like Tommy show us new possibilities for perceiving the world around us, their vision teaches us to explore the thousand and thousand possibilities of expression that every reality that circumscribes our glance, perpetually caged in the most banal, potentially possesses. visionary standard.


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