Cabines de la Plage

Cabines de la Plage is Simona Gasperini's personal exhibition which has as its theme the world of the sea and the beach. The works represent the artist's restlessness for the places inhabited in a magical time.

Cabines de la Plage is Simona Gasperini's personal exhibition which has as its theme the world of the sea and the beach. The works represent the artist's restlessness for the places inhabited in a magical time. Gasperini uses deconstructed images, collected in the timeless drawers of memory, found in archives, or in old albums. The technique used is that of collage, with which it is possible to describe the infinite world of human feeling. Gasperini is inspired by the poetics of the fragments of Fernando Pessoa's “Livro do Desassossego”. The exhibition is built on sandy colours, earth tones and half-tones that live on the oxidation of papers recovered from time, so as to express the melancholy of life that Pessoa talks about: «Não sou nada / Nunca serei nada. / Não posso querer ser nada. / À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo». 

Dreams reveal themselves in not knowing, in nothingness, in dark and nostalgic colors, which Gasperini prefers to remember the loneliness of Cabines de la Plage.


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