DETAILS Shapes and signs in fabrics and fashion techniques

Fotography by Roberto Galasso

The exhibition DETAILS Shapes and signs in fashion fabrics and techniques will open to the public on 29 October. Photographs by Roberto Galasso at the Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum.

"The details are important, too often we exclude them, we evade them, accustomed to looking at the total, the whole, the accomplished, absorbed by our daily life. In the photographs on display, the camera lens is aimed at searching for the segment, the portion, the detail, which combined with other details, makes up the entire dress, drawing the final work. Extrapolated from the context, the detail becomes unique, a work in its own right; for those who frequent modern and contemporary art it is possible, in these photographs, to "read" and recognize the traits and styles of an artist ".


Thus Roberto Galasso gives voice to the twenty shots on display. It is not the photographic eye of the fashion shows, but the eye that probes the textures and gracefully captures the interiority, the spirit of the yarns, sequins and rhinestones. And it opens up to investigations, reflections and multiple understandings.


"A multiple dialogue that moves, through a heterogeneous montage, towards suggestions that recall various periods of the history of art, from pop art, to poor art, to informal, to then disappear into natural or artificial landscapes, returning to the observer not only of visual inputs but of real observation spaces. The sensuality of the fabrics, clothes and shapes that they wore are relived through the suggestions of art and memory, in a space-time continuum capable of telling lived or simply imagined stories ". (Silvia Marsano)


Roberto Galasso's shots add a piece to the collections of the Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum, already imbued with woven fashion and fashion told through pictorial and sculptural images: that of photographed fashion, whose detail is iconographic “survival” and “mutation”.


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