Pictorial Virulences - The virus according to Michele Rosa

During the whole lock down period Michele Rosa has worked for the exhibition

It is well known that artists are endowed with a greater sensitivity than ordinary people and, probably thanks to this peculiarity, they are also able to perceive in advance events, situations, events of life that, almost punctually, occur afterwards. This is the case of Michele ROSA, an artist from Sorano, who already in 2009, ten to eleven years before the outbreak of Covid 19, had represented the concept of pandemic virus within a series of paintings of great expressive power.  Shortly before the beginning of this pictorial cycle he had anticipated in a writing, which today appears to us to say the least prophetic, what his intentions were. I report below the incipit of the text dated 12 December 2008: "It is a fact that man's life on earth is short, and the more his days pass, the more each one perceives the temporariness of his condition. I feel the unstable and precarious existence because of the susceptibility to aggressive agents, invisible but not inexistent. I sense the imminence of a shocking event".  So, about ten years after that happy creative moment, another opportunity has come up again to put the brushes back in the hand and return to the representation of something that unfortunately today, compared to before, concerns us closely. 


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