Benedetta Monti
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Benedetta Monti (Forlì, 1994) She is currently a contributor at Segno Magazine. Recent curatorial experiences include Adstrato, ME(A)LS duo, Spazio Y, Rome (2022); Happy Undergrowth, Andrea Festa Fine Art, Rome (2022); Il giardino libernautico, Fondazione Baruchello, Rome (2022); Embryo: Bea Bonafini, Spazio Y, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale, Rome (2022); Ora et ozia, Vacunalia Festival, Vacone, RI (2021).

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
25 Oct 2022 | 16:00-20:00
Open studio - Yuxiang Wang
The studio of emerging artist Yuxiang Wang opens to the public
Free access
Via Conte Verde 50
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