Valentina Gioia Levy is an independent curator, academic lecturer, and art project manager based in Venice.
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Valentina Gioia Levy is an independent curator and art historian specializing in Asian art, currently based in Venice. Her research and curatorial practice focus on exploring the evolution of contemporary visual arts in light of recent historical, geopolitical, social, and economic changes, with a particular emphasis on issues and debates related to globalization, the power dynamics between the East and West, North and South, post-colonial issues, and the social transformations driven by the rapid development of web-based technologies.

Since 2010, she has collaborated as an independent curator and art project manager with numerous institutions in Italy and abroad, including the Centre Pompidou (Paris, FR); MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (Rome, IT); The Japan Foundation and the Japanese Cultural Institute; the National Museum of Oriental Art (Rome, IT); Palazzo Collicola (Spoleto, IT); MOG, Museum of Goa (Goa, India); DARB 1718 (Cairo, Egypt); RH Contemporary Art (New York, US); Musée de l’IFAN, Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noir (Dakar, Senegal); Muzeum Narodowe (Poznan, Poland); MUCEM (Marseille, FR); and the Asian Triennial Manchester (Manchester, UK). Between 2014 and 2015, she curated two collateral exhibitions for the Kochi Muziris Biennale (Kerala, India), one of which was promoted by the MOG Museum of Goa. Since its inception in 2015, she has collaborated with the Something Else OFF Biennale Cairo (Egypt) at Darb1718 (in 2015 and 2018) and the UNESCO World Heritage site of La Citadelle (2023-2024), as part of the curatorial team led by Simon Njami and Moataz Nasr. In 2016, she was the only Italian curator invited to the 12th edition of Dak'Art Biennale in Dakar (Senegal). That same year, she co-curated the 4th edition of LAM 360, Land Art Mongolia Biennale (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), and joined the curatorial team of Mediations Biennial, participating in various editions of the event in Poznan (2016), Venice (2019), and Istanbul (2023). In 2018, she co-curated with Rikke Jorgensen "Art & Connectography: Remapping the Global World through Art," a collateral event of Manifesta12 (Palermo, IT). In 2019, she founded the GAD Giudecca Art District project in Venice, a platform focused on curating, as well as on artistic production and cultural mediation, particularly in parallel events to the Venice Biennale. Among the many collaborations of GAD, notable ones include working with the first Pavilion of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2022, the National Pavilion of the Republic of Benin in 2024, and other institutions such as the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Goethe-Institut, Politecnico di Milano, Starak Foundation, etc.

Alongside her curatorial work, Valentina Gioia Levy is dedicated to academic teaching and university research. Since 2015, she has been teaching courses on the Latest Trends in Visual Arts, History of Photography, History of Applied Arts and Design at Accademia Italiana in Rome. Since 2019, she has been enrolled in the doctoral school at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where she is affiliated with the Acté Research Institute—Arts Créations Théories Esthétique, within the research team of Professor Pascale Weber. In the academic year 2024-2025, she will also serve as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Visual Art & Design at Beaconhouse National University (Mariam Dawood School - MDSVAD) in Lahore, Pakistan.

She is currently awaiting the defense of her doctoral thesis, "Contextual Curating: Contextual Art and Curatorial Practices in the Era of Multipolarity," at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

Events at Rome Art Week
Race & Balance - Manohar Chiluveru
27 Oct 2018 | 18:00
Race & Balance - Manohar Chiluveru
Interactive performance
Free access
Via Nizza, 138
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