Daniela Carreras

Data and contact details

Daniela Carreras was born in Recife - Brazil (tropical) some time ago. She is a researcher of coherence, since she was a child she began a path of experimentation, always moved by a great sense of responsibility towards herself and, consequently, towards the surrounding world. She studied Architecture, Archeology and in that context, she found the love that would catapult her to the old continent, to Italy. Interest in art in general became more and more of an urgency. So she works in cinema as assistant director of Leonardo Celi in various documentaries including “Adolfo Celi a man for two cultures” a 2006 Celifilms production. Translator, Cultural mediator, Educator, Tourist guide, Performer. She deeply believes in hope, that each being is special, that the future is today and that the present is truly a gift.

Il curriculum organico viene visualizzato solamente per gli artisti iscritti a CertArt che abbiano inserito le attività. Scopri di più su certart.com
“Thr dark side of desire”
“Crontab” TAG Tevere Art Gallery
“Resoconto#2” Forte Prenestino
“Risveglio” TAG Tevere Art Gallery