Alessia Nardi
Data and contact details


Alessia Nardi lives and works in Rome and has a Degree in Painting from the Roman Accademy of Fine art.




2019 - Atelier Macro Asilo 2/7 July

2019 - Urban Vision - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2012 - On the road - curated by Valentina Grillo - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary art, Rome 

2000 - Video installations - Verde Milonga Cultural Association, Rome 

           Estremization of the body - Verde Milonga Cultural Association, Rome 



2022 - Silent dialogue - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2021 - Hortus Conclusus - Circle of meditation - Installation - curated by Roberta Melasecca e Elvio Moretti - Acqualagna Furlo 

           RAW - Works in Yellow - Curated by Fabio Milani - Bat Gallery, Rome 

2020 - Back to the future - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           An Artist a day - Curated by Paola Valori - Micro review of contemporary visual arts, Rome 

           Domaninarte - Artistic Contest - Modern Art Gallery Rome Capital, Rome 

           Artist's Desktop - Thirty artists in quarantine - Nori de Nobili Museum - Three Castles (AN)

           Tiny Biennale - Perfection - curated by Shara Wasserman - Temple University - Rome

2019 - Portrait of woman - performance curated by Monica Pirone - Macro Asilo, Rome

           RAW - Dangerous Kindness - curated by Roberta Melasecca - Officine Nove, Rome 

           RAW - Closer to the universe where thought drowns - Monticello Complex, Rome 

           Tiny Biennale - Light - Curated by Shara Wasserman - Temple University, Rome 

           By the sea or in the city? - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Disobedience - Nori de Nobili Museum - curated by Maria Jannelli and Simona Zava - Trecastelli (AN) 


2018 - Women - Nine for Christmas - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

          Tiny Biennale - Night - Temple University Rome - Curated by Shara Wasserman

          Raw - Connections - Maddalena Space - P.zza della Maddalena, Rroma 

          A Porter Holidays - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2017 -  Peroni District - World Vision - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Tiny Biennale " Yellow" - Temple University Rome - Curated by Shara Wasserman

           Bowie Black Sturdust 2 - Spazio Cima Gallery, Rome  

           Raw - Hyperkaos - Bat Gallery Vicolo del Puttarello 31, Rome 

2016 - Bowie Black Sturdust - Spazio Cima Gallery, Rome 

2014 - Coffee Paint - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2013 - White Christmas? - Il Sole Gallery Contemporary Art, Rome 

           I.Slands - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2011 - My Home - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           First Friday - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Soratte Factories - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2010 - Minimum Lines - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

          All out all free - Il Ssole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2009 - Close Encounters - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2008 - Big/Small format 2 - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Coffe Paint - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

           Collective Dwelling - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2007 - Big/ Small Format - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2006 - On Canvas - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2005 - Fragments - The deconstructed and rediscovered self - Orologio Studio, Rome

2002/2001 Decoration work at Palazzo Marignoli, Spoleto

2001 - Winner of the first selections of the " Young Artists Prize" - S. Luca Accademy, Rome

2000/1999 Scenography work for show entitled "Shiver" by Enzo Celli (dance) - Olympic Theatre, Greek Theatre, Rome 

1996 - Tarot Cards in Contemporary Art - III Edition Adriano Petrocchi Prize - Savelli Castle - Palombara Sabina 

1994 - All The Colours of the world - Artists unite for Brasilian Street Children - Folklore Museum, Rome 











Events at Rome Art Week
Alessia Nardi
25 Oct 2023 | 16:00-21:00
Alessia Nardi

Free access
Open Studio
Spazio Mimesis
Via Roccantica 8
 Pittura in vetrina
24-29 Oct 2022
 Pittura in vetrina
Ideated by Silvia Pao - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Aria Design Lab, 5 Porzioni, Mamà food & mood, nAm naturaArtismagistra, La Gallina bah, Mood Boutique, OM Style, TerraAria
Quartiere Trieste
25 Oct 2022 | 18:00-21:00
Works of Emanuela Lena, Consuelo Mura, Alessia Nardi
Free access
Galleria Il Sole
Via Nomentana 125
Opere in Giallo
25 Oct-02 Dec 2021
Opere in Giallo
Mostra Collettiva in omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
Omaggio al Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
26 Oct-14 Nov 2020
Collective exhibition
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Dangerous kindness project
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
22-27 Oct 2018
Collective exhibition curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Spazio Maddalena
Piazza della Maddalena 6
Alessia Nardi
10 Oct 2017 | 17:00-20:00
Alessia Nardi

Free access
Open Studio
Galleria il Sole Arte Contemporanea
Via Alessandria, 110
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