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Prof. Eng. PHD Ivan Paduano has a degree in Architecture from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome and a PhD in design, art and new technologies. He teaches on contract at public and private universities and is responsible for the Loomlab multimedia works development laboratory. His area of research ranges from art direction, modeling and drawing to the design and development techniques of video games and serious games. He is the scientific director of the international Udine 3D conference and a professor of graphics at the University of Teramo as well as a certified instructor of the main CAD, modeling, animation and VFX environment software. In the artistic field his research is based on the decomposition of forms and the creation of vast scenarios with reflections on human nature. He is one of the greatest artificial intelligence experts in the art world.
Events at Rome Art Week
23 Oct 2023 | 09:00-22:00
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
via tacito 64
24 Oct 2022 | 09:00-23:30
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
via tacito 64
25 Oct 2021 | Time to be defined
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
via tacito 64
26 Oct 2020 | 09:00-23:30
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
Via Tacito, 64
26 Oct-14 Nov 2020
Collective exhibition
Free accessExposition
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
21-24 Oct 2019 | 16:00-20:00
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
via tacito 64
23-25 Oct 2019
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
Progetto per il bicentenario de L’Infinito di Leopardi
Free accessExposition
Complesso Monticello
Via Aurelia, 278
22 Oct 2018 | 10:00-18:00
Ivan Paduano
Free accessOpen Studio
Studio Ivan Paduano
via tacito 64