Francesco Impellizzeri was born in Trapani in 1958 and graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he lives and works. In his first exhibitions he favored a pictorial research on sign / color in relation to music. Since 1990 he has offered performances and installations in which they are combined with painting, music, theater, video and photography. The first performance "Strilli" of 1990 at the Temple Gallery in Rome saw the birth of the first character: UNPOPOP. Immediately following performances and new stereotypes characters follow one another. Photos and paintings complete the exhibitions that from the Roman galleries (La Nuova Pesa, Pio Monti, Oddi Baglioni, Il Ponte Contemporanea, etc.) present works on the characters created and new performances. From 1997 to 2007 he exhibited with the Espacio Minimo gallery in Madrid and also at the Reina Sofia Museum and the Salamanca DA2. In the early years of 2000 he presented to the public the "Pensierini": sheets of elementary school books, made in small and large dimensions, in which are commented on customs, politicians and private subjects seen as the eyes of a child but whose content and design reveal the ironic world that the artist has always told. Summaries of his persuasion are the last canvases in which the color of the initial chromatic research merges with the texts retrieved from the notes of his rich notebooks. Through installations the texts, painted with silver on glass, are also presented as luminous projections enriched by sounds or musical performances. In 2013 with Mikele Abraham he created ARTE CLANDESTINA, a project of musical events / performances in which the artistic and cultural changes of the last twenty years are highlighted with irony and critical sense. From 1987 to 2014 he collaborated with the artist Carla Accardi. He has participated in numerous exhibitions in galleries, museums and international fairs, television broadcasts and films.
Main Personal and Performances
2017 WalKing Man - Performance at Temple University gallery, Rome
2016 An idea was born, Transfusions 1 - Performance at the Menna Foundation, Rome
2015 InCanto Italiano with Mikele Abramo Cicolo of the Italian Consulate, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
2014 "Arte Clandestina" with Mikele Abramo Museum of Mediterranean Textures, Gibellina (TP)
2013 "Arte Clandestina" with Mikele Abramo- Studio Impellizzeri, Rome "Vocalizzo in Scala C" - Studio of the artist, Rome "I want to make a home ..." TUfffO - Torre di Mola, Formia
2012 "For the note" - Banca Popolare di Bergamo, Rome "There is no Myra without Vidal" - Whitecubealpigneto, Rome
2011 "Here the light is different" -Performance Italian Cultural Institute, Strasbourg
2010 "Ladies and gentlemen good evening" - Performance Artandgallery, Milan IMPELLIZZERI XX - MLAC Museum of Contemporary Art Laboratory Sapienza University, Rome
2007 Motocicleta "- Performance DA2 Contemporary Art Museum, Salamanca (Spain) Summary: Pensierini, parole e ... .. - Bonelli Arte Contemporanea, Mantua
2006 ArtSaint Loop - ARCO Performance stand gall. Espacio Minimo, Madrid (Spain)
2005 Pensierini - Spazio Symphonia, Milan Desfilè: Mannequin for nient - EVERY / BODY, Performance Villa Manin, Passariano (UD)
2004 On paper - (with C. Accardi) A.A.M. Archiettura, Rome Pensierini y palabras - Gall. Espacio Minimo, Madrid - Spain
2003 Flambè Dreams - Performance Buia Gallery, New York - USA
2002 ... o0O !!! -Shock & Show, Performance C / Zone, Trieste
2001 Videoclippami - Espacio Minimo, Madrid Gnam, Gnam - MACRO Performance, Rome Motocicletta - Performance Forum Fabricum, Lodz and Contemporary Art Center, Poznan (Poland)
2000 Meteorisms - The Contemporary Bridge Project, Rome Rinkoboy - gall. Estro, Padua
1999 Desfilè: Mannequin for nient -Corporea, Performance Castello di Rivara, Turin
1998 BodyGuard Peep Show - Performance Gall.The Contemporary Bridge
1996 Uno & Trinox - Oddi Baglioni Gallery, Rome Angelo Candito - Artists at the Window, Ostuni (BA) by the gall. Zelig Loving love of Rokkodrillo - Homage to P.Pascali, Polignano a mare (BA)
1995 Court or Courtyard Games - Trevi Art Museum - Teatro Clitunno, Trevi (PG) Rinfacci - Perfect crime, Monti ass. cult., Rome
1994 Unpopop - Besos, Canciones, Santo y Estrellas, Ateneu de Cadaques, Spain
1993 Featured Songs for the Biennale - Fiorella Gallery, Venice
1992 Josèphine Baker presents: Sound Colors - Gall. La Nuova Pesa, Rome
1990 Strilli - Temple Gallery, Rome
Main Collective Exhibitions
2017 Transfusions 1 - Menna Foundation, Rome Lights and Trasparencies - Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris
2016 Stills of Peace, Clarté - Palazzo Ducale, Atri (TE) Art in moviment, or Homage to Duchamp - Ex CFormer Convent of the Retreat, Syracuse
2015 CLOSE UP - Palazzo Collicola Visual Arts, Spoleto Le Volets de Noel - Ville de Biot, France
2014 In Symbiosis - Academy of Romania, Rome
2013 TUfffO - Torre di Mola, Formia The Solitary Corps, Palazzo della Penna, Perugia
2012 Intrecci - Granary of Baglio Di Stefano, Orestiadi Foundation, Gibellina, (TP) We are all Greeks - Benachi Museum, Athens, Greece
2011 The intertwining of travel - Termoli Prize, Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Termoli
2010 GASP - Contemporary Atre Gallery at the Farnesina, Rome Dust in the eyes, in the heart of dreams - Permanent Collection of Liceo Bafile, L'Aquila
2009 L'Arabesco - Galleria Santo Ficara, Florence
2008 Experimenta - Farnesina Collection, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome
2007 Light and shadow - Palazzo Pino Pascali, Polignano a Mare (BA)
2006 Vema Project - Italian Pavilion, Architecture Biennale, Venice
2005 Cow parade - Piazza della Repubbblica, Florence
2004 Do not call it performance - El Barrio Museum, New York City / DA 2, Salamanca (Spain) / CAAC. Seville (Spain) Melting Music - Gall. Guidi and Schoen, Genoa
2003 Do not call it performance - Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid / Centro Pàrraga, Murcia (Spain) Melting Pop - Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena
2002 Via Pal - The Confine of Thoughts, Gall. Civic of Contemporary Art, Trento The Dream, the Color, the Sign - Italian Cultural Center, Istambul (Turkey)
A Postmodern Babel - Palazzo Pigorini. Parma
2001 Neue Heimat - Gall. Falzone, Mannheim (Germany) Trends - La Salara, Bologna The Disquieting Muses - Palazzo Pascali, Polignano a Mare (Ba)
2000 From Mini Al Mini - Cartiere Vannucci, Milan
1999 Corporea - Castello di Rivara, Turin curated by Olga Gambari Italian self-portraits - Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice
1998 Contaminations 2 - Lab Museum "La Sapienza" University, Rome
1997 Portraits, Portraits, Portraits - Gall. Giulia, Rome Open City - Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant'Angelo (PE)
1996 Artists at the window - Ostuni (BA) by the Gall. Zelig Nature, naturans - Museo del Mare, Trieste, edited by M. Campitelli
1995 Frost and Disgelo - Palazzo Farnese - Ortona (CH) Furor Populi Forum Popouli - Gall. Monti, Rome Artists' Choise - American Academy in Rome, Rome, curated by M.Boyden
1994 Besos, Canciones, Santos and Estrellas - Ateneu de Cadaques, Cadaques - Spain 40x40 + 40 - Gall. Menzio, Turin Autumn Equinox - Castello di Rivara, Rivara (TO)
1993 Young Art Today - Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, Rome
1991 Roman Propositions - Italian Cultural Institute, Algiers - Algeria
1990 Verba Manent Sripta Volant - Gall. Filippo Fossati, Turin
1989 2nd Biennial Young Contemporary Art - Castello di Sartirana Lomellina (PV) 1
1988 Painters & Painters - Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice