Rakele Tombini
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

Rakele Tombini was born in San Benedetto del Tronto in 1975. In 1995 she obtained her certificate in Art Master and Applied Arts at the Art Institute “O. Licini” situated in Ascoli Piceno. In the same year she started her activity as an artist working in many projects as promo graphic, scene preparations and set designs for public and private events. In 1997 she moved to Rome where she obtained Sculpture Degree at the "Accademia di Belle Arti" in Rome and after she qualified professional Art Teacher. She is working with photography, video, decoration and set design, all elements that allowed her to environmental art installations. Her art teaching subjects are: collective memory, environmental impact, consumer society.


Main art attendance

2001: Nataliziae 2001, group show, Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio, Roma

2002: First Prize National contest Spinetoli Scultura 2002, Category “Recycle”, Comune di Spinetoli, Provincia di Ascoli


2003: Biennale Adriatica di Arti Nuove–0/2003, Palazzina Azzurra/Mercato Ittico, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP)

2004: Prospero, solo show, contemporary art exhibition Textures, “Punto Einaudi” di Via Giulia, Roma

- Ripe 2004 – Nuove creatività delle Marche, art exhibiton, centro storico di Ripe S. Ginesio (MC)

2005: Winner Premio L.I.Art, “Martelive 2005” (sez. Painting and Installation), Roma

- Altidona 2005- Stanze Aperte, art exhibition, Ass. Cult. Officina San Giacomo, Città di Altidona (FM)

- Totem e Tulle, installation, Notte Bianca di Roma, Ass. Art. Cult. “L.I.Art – laboratorio incontri d’arte” di Villa Borghese, Roma

- Paint your Life, set decoration, tv program by Magnolia for Discovery Channel/Real Time

2006: Eugenìa – un incontro tra i giovani artisti di Palermo e Roma, contemporary art show, Galleria Biotos, Palermo

- Fuori luogo/Out of Place, 7° international exibition of Artist’ s book by Ass. Cult. La Tana - Spazio dal 1999; traveling  

 exhibit: Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma - Centro Pecci, Prato - Museo Moranti, Bologna - Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana,

 Vicenza - MART Rovereto

- Orbis Pictus Europa,  traveling exhibit by Lubomír Pešek and Ivan Bukovský, curated by Susanna Horvatovičová, Istituto

  Culturale Ceco, Roma

- Premio Mario Razzano per Giovani Artisti, Associazione “Proposta”, Benevento

2007: Across Art and Science, curated by Susanna Horvatovičova and Dagmar Šubrtová, Museo Hornické, Pribram,

 Repubblica Ceca; Galerie Makráč Istituto Macromolecolare, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

2008: Kollettiva 07, female group show curated by Manuela Girolami, Palazzina Azzurra, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)

- Il Cammino di Rakele fra i ri-Corti, solo show curated by Susanna Horvatovičová, sede MarteLive Via Pico della Mirandola,


- ECO, installation site specific with Rosalba Bozzato e Michal Blumenfeld, curate by Susanna Horvatovičová, “La Porta Blu

 Gallery” di Campo dei Fiori, Roma

- Art’s choice award Premio L.I.Art/MArteLive Ed. 2007, Ed. 2008, Alpheus, Roma

- La banda di Guglielmo, set design and scene manager Ass. La Piazza e L’Aquilone, Giffoni Teather Festival, Giffoni (SA)

2009: EMERGENZEArteRoma 2009, curated by Paola Consorti, Chiostro Ss. Apostoli, Roma

- Mad in Italy, set design and scene manager, film’s direction by Paolo Fazzini, Italia

- Contempoaranea # 09, group show curated by Dino Del vecchio and Barbara Pavan, Parco Lo Scoiattolo, Amatrice (RI)

- Gatto Nero, set design, theater’s direction by Laura Jacobbi, Regione Lazio, Palazzo Piacentini, Roma

2010: Traffic of Art, curator of the project, Rocketta Fest, Traffic Live Club, Roma

- Flux of Coscience- Ben Russel/Rakele Tombini,  curated by A. Cerniglia and S. Horvatovičova, “La Porta Blu Gallery”, Roma; “Johalla Projects”, Chicago

- Theatrical Workshop, set design and scene manager, Teatro Sette, Roma

- Viky TV 2, assistant set designer, tv program by Magnolia for DeA Kids, canale 601, sky, Roma

2011: BE POP, installation site specific, solo show curated by Arte Accessibile, Brancaleone, Roma

- Arte Insieme, educational’s project manager, Liceo Artistico San Giuseppe (Grottaferrata)  e Dipartimento Giustizia

 Minorile, presso Centro di Prima Accoglienza di Roma

- Viky TV 3-4, assistant set designer, tv program by da Magnolia for DeA Kids, canale 601, SKY, Roma

2012: Art in Box , group show by Susanna Horvatovičova , Istituto Culturale Ceco, Milano

- From the Road, Short Film Festival by S. Horvatovičova, Galleria Umakart, Brno, Repubblica Ceca

- Play art festival, III Ed., Officina Artelier, Petilia P./Crotone

- Abstracta - International  Abstract Cinema Exhibition, VII Ed., Campo Boario, Padiglione Accademia Belle Arti di Roma

2013: Bookstorming, contemporary show by Barbara Pavan and Studio7 Arte Moderna, Libreria Moderna, Rieti

2014: Festival della cultura del Mare, art exhibition by Ass. Agorafilia, Porto Turistico, Santa Marinella

- Writers Wars, traveling show of live painting and street art, (Cube, Roma Vintage, Rampa Prenestina, Macro Testaccio, etc.) Roma

IllumenArti, art festival, Muat Atelier Resiliente - Locanda Atlantide, Roma

2015: Collective action on wall by Writers Wars, MAAM, Metropoliz, Roma

- L’Altro Francesco,  group show, Sala dei Mercatori e Rue della Città, Ascoli Piceno

- Cementificio Cerrano di Santa Marinella, show curated by Susanna Horvatovicova, Shar Sporting Club, Santa Marinella

- Garbitch (Be Pop), installation site specific, Brancaleone, Roma, critical text by Susanna Horvatovicova

2016: Garbitch’s Performance, 3° ed. Festival “L’Arte della Pietra”, Club Wisky Notte, Ascoli Piceno

- Porn is The New Gold, installation, Witers Wars per Any Given Monday, Qube, Roma

- Theatrical Workshop, set design and scene manager, Teatro Sette, Roma           

- Prospero (Atto II), installation, Tutto il mondo è un palcoscenico “In the Mood for Shakespeare”, Spazio Cima, Roma

- Garbitch’s Project – Barbie Like a Virgin, installation and performance, Festa della Madonna, Ex Dogana, Roma

2017: Ziggy Stardust Mars Zyme, installation for Bowie Blackstardust, II ed., Spazio Cima, Roma

- 2028 Una Nuova Opera da Tre Soldi, set design, I Venti Sognatori, Teatro 7, Teatro Italia, Teatro della Cometa, Roma

- Theatrical Workshop, set design and scene manager, Teatro Sette, Roma

- ContemporaneaMente, group show, Scuderie Aldobrandini, Comune di Frascati – Servizio Cultura, Frascati

- Realtà Urbane a Confronto, educational project, Macro - Via Nizza, Roma

- Voi siete qui - Ogni Cosa è Illuminata, light design, Pomezia Light Festival, Ass. Opificio, Enel, Comune di Pomezia

- Rome Art Week II Ed. 2017, Open Studio and Garbitch Sale curated by Ilaria Giacobbi, Morsi D'Arte, Roma

- Ziggy Stardust, Installation for Morgan Plays Bowie, Teatro Quirinetta, Roma

- Garbitch T-Sale, exhibition t-shirt artist, Libro di Vino - Morsi d'arte, Roma


- Le Colpe dei Padri ricadono sui Figli, set design, I Venti Sognatori, Teatro della Visitazione, Roma

- Theatrical Workshop, set design and scene manager, Sbagliando S'Impara, Teatro della Visitazione, Teatro 7, Roma

- Omaggio al Paesaggio - IV Ed., installation and performance, Colleiano di Roccafluvione (AP)

- #Intervalli@plf.mov, video, feat. Francesco Elelino, Pomezia Light Festival, Ass. Opificio, Comune di Pomezia

- Rome Art Week III Ed. 2018, Open Studio Into the Garage Vol.II, Open Studio by Rakele Tombini e Mirko Maganalardi Baffetti

- Le Porte dell’Aldilà, curated by S. Horvatovicova, Galleria Makráč (Praga)


- Le Porte dell’Aldilà, curated by S. Horvatovicova, Galleria Dvojdomek (Heřmanův Městec - Rep. Ceca)

- Far Above The Moon, Bowie Blackstardust - III ed., Spazio Cima, Roma

- Rome Art Week IV Ed. 2019, Open Studio Into the Garage Vol.II, Open Studio by Rakele Tombini e Mirko Magnalardi Baffetti

Lui, Lei e L'ALTRA, photo-romances in collaboration with F. Elelino e D. Aracoeli, insert in n.1 of the magazine ISIT on line e off line, curated by A. Froslini e F. Di Pietrantonio, 


Le Porte dell’Aldilà curated by S. Horvatovicova, art gallery AMB, KK3 Klub konkretistů (Hradec Králové - Repubblica Ceca)

Rome Art Week V Ed. 2020, Open Studio Into the Garage Vol.finale, Open Studio + RAW 360 by Rakele Tombini

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Events at Rome Art Week
SANTA QUEER Act I: The Beatification
24 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:00
SANTA QUEER Act I: The Beatification
One-act performance by Rakele Tombini
Free access
Fondazione Opera Lucifero - Cappella Orsini
Via di Grottapinta, 21
28 Oct 2022 | 18:30
Performance - photographic exhibit by Rakele Tombini
Free access
Centro Giovani I Municipio
Via della Penitenza 35
Rachele Tombini
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:00
Rachele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Rakele Tombini
Via Benedetto Bordoni, n.23, int.9, Roma, RM, Italia
Rachele Tombini
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:00
Rachele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Rakele Tombini
Via Benedetto Bordoni n.23 int.9, Roma, RM, Italia
Rakele Tombini
26-27 Oct 2020 | 15:00-18:00
Rakele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Rakele Tombini
Via Eleonora D'Arborea, 15b
Rakele Tombini
25 Oct 2019 | 18:00-21:00
Rakele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio di Rakele Tombini e Mirko Magnalardi Baffetti
Via Eleonora D'Arborea, 15b
Rakele Tombini
26 Oct 2018 | 18:00-21:00
Rakele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio di Rakele Tombini e Mirko Magnalardi Baffetti
Via Eleonora D'Arborea, 15b
Garbitch Sale
10 Oct 2017 | 18:30
Garbitch Sale
Free access
Morsi d'Arte
Via degli Zingari, 49
Rakele Tombini
11-12 Oct 2017 | 17:30-21:00
Rakele Tombini

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Rakele Tombini
Via Eleonora D'Arborea, 15b
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