Roberta Pugno
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 Roberta Pugno was born in Bolzano, and she graduated in Literature and Philosophy under the guidance of Carlo Ginzburg. Her exhibition career began in the mid-1980s. She has to her credit over sixty solo exhibitions, more than one hundred fifty group exhibitions, and fourteen catalogs. Since 2010, she has served as the artistic director of the Ipazia Immaginepensiero Odv Association. She is also one of the curators of the publication of the six PSYCHE and ART conferences (2013-2019). Her images have been used as book covers for philosophy publications by Moretti & Vitali Publishing House and the Editions of the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Some of her main solo exhibitions include:

Il Moro Art Studio, Florence 1989

Italian Institute of Culture, Munich (Germany) 1989

Canossa Castle, Canossa (R.E.) 1993

Museum of the Aurelian Walls, Rome 1996

Palazzetto dell'Arte, Foggia 1997

Chigi-Zondadari Palace, S. Quirico d'Orcia (SI) 1998

Barberini Palace, Rome 1999

Mauriziano Casa dell'Ariosto, Reggio Emilia 2000

Aragonese Castle, L'Aquila 2003

American Academy, Rome 2003

Piccolomini Villa, Rome 2005

Altieri Palace, Oriolo Romano (VT) 2006

Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, Rome 2006

Embassy of Egypt, Rome 2007

Valentini Palace, Rome 2008

Venice Palace and Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome 2009

Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Latina 2010

Bilotti Museum, Rome 2012

Sforza-Cesarini Palace, Genzano di Roma, 2014

Farsetti Farmhouse, Rome 2014

Angelica Library Gallery, Rome 2016

Roman Houses of the Celio, Rome 2018

Virus Art Gallery, Rome 2019

San Giovanni a Teduccio (NA) 2020

Cartiera Latina, Rome 2021

Arte Borgo Gallery and Curio Collection by Hilton, Rome 2022.

She has also participated in exhibitions outside Italy, including Sofia (Bulgaria), Schwelm (Germany), Melbourne (Australia), Gent (Belgium), and Barcelona (Spain).

Roberta Pugno has collaborated with galleries such as Eralov, EdiEuropa, and Andrè in Rome; Helga Wicher Gallery in Wuppertal (Germany); Kontraste Gallery in Pietrasanta; Zammarchi Gallery in Milan; Granelli Gallery in Livorno; Astuni Gallery in Fano; and Urs Aebi Kunstgalerie in Lucerne (Switzerland).

Her catalogs include titles like "La donna e lo straniero," "Gilgamesh re di Uruk," "Materia e respiro," "L'audaci imprese io canto," "La terra l'acqua l'uomo," "Le voci del rifiuto Giordano Bruno," "L'universo tutto infinito," "Pensiero interno," "Uomo donna infinito," "Materia Energia Pensiero," "Nasce da dentro," "Materia Infinita," "Terrafuoco," "La rivolta del pensiero," and "Immagineparola."

She has been written about by various authors, including Fulvio Abbate, M. Pia Ammirati, Raffaella Bozzini, Gianni Bulian, Silvia Chiodi, Michele Ciliberto, Rosa Cipollone, Mario De Candia, Fabio D’Achille, Antonio Di Micco, Cinzia Folcarelli, Hilary Gatti, Hussein Mahmoud, Claudio Marra, Tommaso Paloscia, Giovanni Pettinato, Sergio Rispoli, Ingrid Rowland, Claudio Strinati, Marcello Venturoli.

Official website: Graphic design by Cristian Rossi

Letizia Aprile graduated in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome, taking courses in Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology due to her interest in oral tradition and folk music, which she practiced in various groups playing the guitar and accordion. In the decade from 1972 to 1982, she was a mezzo-soprano in the Franco Maria Saraceni University Choir, participating in numerous concerts in Europe and the United States with a repertoire of madrigal polyphony. For several years, she conducted workshops on Italian folk singing in Brittany. She performed at events organized by the Gianni Bosio Circle. From 2013 to 2023, she founded and directed the EtnoMuSa orchestra at La Sapienza University, the only university-based orchestra of ethnic, traditional, and social music in Italy, composed of Italian and foreign students, which continues to perform in institutional concerts and in various cities and festivals (

Cinzia Folcarelli, an art critic and historian, curates exhibitions and contemporary art events in Italy and abroad, in institutional, public, and private spaces. She has authored critical texts for solo and group exhibition catalogs, as well as monograph texts. Since 2004, she has been the founder and director of the website She has collaborated and continues to collaborate with art sector magazines, including "Arte Contemporanea," "Arte e Critica," "Segno," "Terzoocchio," and websites including,,,,, and Radio Meridiano 12. In 2008, she participated for two consecutive seasons as an art critic in the television program "Persone" (Gold TV). She has worked with the Press Office of the Special Superintendency for the Roman Museum Pole, with the Editorial Laboratory of the University Roma Tre, and with numerous art galleries, both in Italy and abroad.


FROM MATTER TO LINE: Roberta Pugno presents her artistic work and her thought research, which have always been closely related. They revolve around two poles: matter, as the origin of life and the matrix of movement, and the line, the highest human creation that, in art, can be a visible sign or an invisible companion to the "sound" and color of images. From the immediate and light works on paper to the substantial canvases, deep forms of irrational imagination, the artist presents her thirty-year research world along with catalogs and rich explanatory material. The six-volume set of PSYCHE and ART will be available in the studio, a new collective research on art and humanity, from its origins to the present day.

Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM OPEN STUDIO A visual narrative that delves into one's profound reality and the relationship with the different

Friday, October 27, 2023, at 6:30 PM "I WAS BORN FROM THE SUN" Cinzia Folcarelli (art critic and art historian) interviews Roberta Pugno (artist and artistic director of the Ipazia Association)

Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 5:30 PM SOUNDS OF FOLK AND ETHNIC MUSIC Letizia Aprile accordion and guitar A journey through sounds, songs, dances, and images

Sunday, October 29, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM OPEN STUDIO Reading of the artworks in search of the invisible sound and the meaning from which they were born

Letizia Aprile graduated in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome, taking courses in Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology due to her interest in oral tradition and folk music. She actively participated in various folk music groups, playing the guitar and accordion. During the decade from 1972 to 1982, she was a mezzo-soprano in the Franco Maria Saraceni University Choir, performing polyphonic madrigal repertoire at numerous concerts across Europe and the United States. For several years, she conducted workshops on Italian folk singing in Brittany. She also performed at events organized by the Gianni Bosio Circle. From 2013 to 2023, she founded and directed the EtnoMuSa Orchestra at La Sapienza University, the only university-based orchestra for ethnic, traditional, and social music in Italy. Comprising Italian and foreign students, the orchestra continues to give performances at institutional concerts and various cities and festivals.

Cinzia Folcarelli, an art critic and historian, curates contemporary art exhibitions and events in Italy and abroad, in both institutional and private settings. She writes critical texts for solo and group exhibition catalogs, as well as monographic texts. Since 2004, she has been the founder and director of the website She has collaborated and continues to collaborate with magazines such as "Arte Contemporanea," "Arte e Critica," "Segno," "Terzoocchio," as well as websites including,,,,, and Radio Meridiano 12. In 2008, she participated as an art critic in the television show "Persone" (Gold TV) for two consecutive seasons. She has also worked with the Press Office of the Special Superintendency for the Roman Museums, the Editorial Laboratory of the University of Rome Tre, and numerous art galleries in Italy and abroad.

Events at Rome Art Week
Roberta Pugno
27 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:00
Roberta Pugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Roberta Pugno
via Girolamo Benzoni, 26
Roberta Pugno
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-20:30
Roberta Pugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Roberta Pugno
via Girolamo Benzoni, 26
Roberta Pugno
29 Oct 2020 | 18:00-20:30
Roberta Pugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Roberta Pugno
via Girolamo Benzoni, 26
08 Oct-06 Nov 2019
The tension towards the invisible and the unknown
Free access
Virus Art Gallery - associazione culturale
via Reggio Emilia, 69
 Reading of the works. Catalog in gallery with critical text by Antonio Di Micco.
22 Oct 2019 | 18:00
Reading of the works. Catalog in gallery with critical text by Antonio Di Micco.
They come from the silence that is invisible and powerful reality.
Free access
Virus Art Gallery - associazione culturale
via Reggio Emilia, 69
Roberta Pugno
24-27 Oct 2018 | 17:30-21:00
Roberta Pugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Roberta Pugno
via Girolamo Benzoni, 26
Roberta Pugno
10-14 Oct 2017 | 17:30-20:00
Roberta Pugno

Free access
Open Studio
Studio di Roberta Pugno
via Girolamo Benzoni, 26
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