Karmen Corak
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KARMEN CORAK, born in Slovenia, she studied Graphic Arts in Croatia and Conservation and restoration of works of art on paper in Italy, Japan and Austria. She followed some photography seminars with Rinko Kawauchi and Hans-Christian Schink. She lives and works between Rome and Venice. Her photography records the constant flow of things and gives them another order of existence.

The particular choice of the paper support does not only exalt its aesthetic qualities, but also its ability to evoke an exile from reality, dislocating it in other spheres of perception.

She was invited to group exhibitions in Cina, Corea, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Hungary; and with personal exhibitions at the various editions of the International Photography Festival in Rome. He receives international awards in Fine Art Photography in Paris, Malaga and Berlin.


Personal exhibitions

2021 – Green Matter, curated by Karmen Corak e Paola Pisanelli Nero, Magazzino Gallery, Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venice

2020 – Krhkost bivanja (Fragility of being), Karmen Corak and Andrej Brumen Cop, curated by Andreja Borin, UGM Studio, Municipal Museum of Modern Art, Maribor, Slovenia

2018 – Fragilità dell'essere, Accademia di Belle Arti, Roma

2018 –Sub Divo. La via sacra, artist's residence, Galleria Civica d'Arte Contemporanea, Agrigento

2017 -In a Landscape, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, Roma

2015 -Nothing is - Look, and it is, Doozo gallery, Roma                                                                                                                                

2015 - Ribi.Tears in the Eyes of Fishes, Mala Galerija, Porec, Croatia

2014 -In a Landscape, Palazzo Taverna, Roma

2014 - Unveiled_altriritratti, Centro Luigi Di Sarro gallery, Roma, (Fotografia. Festival internazionale di Roma. XIII edizione Ritratto)

2014 - Washi.The traditional way, Museo della carta e della filigrana, Fabriano

2014 - Umbratilis , Gallery of Art Temple University, Rome

2013 - Ribi. Tears in the Eyes of Fishes, ACTA International gallery, (Fotografia. Festival internazionale di Roma. XII edizione Vacatio)

2013 - Fragments from Traditional Japan, ex Collegio dei Gesuiti, Noto, Sicilia

2012 - Washi. The traditional way, Studio Camera 21, (Fotografia. Festival internazionale di Roma. XI edizione Lavoro)

2011 - Aware. Beyond the apparence, Studio Camera 21, (Fotografia. Festival internazionale di Roma. XI edizione Motherland)


Group exhibitions

2022 – Every picture tells a story, Lauba Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia

2022 – Mutamenti, curated by Massimo Cova, Museo Comunale di Taverna, Calabria

2022 – L’innatuale, curated by Simone Azzoni, Centro Documentazione Artistica Contemporanea Luigi Di Sarro, Rome

2022 – Sul Corpo, curated by Galleria del Cembalo, III.ed. The PHAIR 2022, Torino

2022 – Il richiamo degli alberi, curated by Chiara Fasser, Galleria dell’Incisione, Brescia

2021 – Trees & Leaves, curated by Mario Peliti and Paola Cavazza, Galleria del Cembalo, Palazzo Borghese, Rome

2020 – Motion, International Exhibition of Photography, PH21 Gallery Budapest, Hungary

2020 – Il sangue delle donne, (The blood of the women, traces of red on the white cloth), curated by Manuela De Leonardis, Complesso del Baraccano, Bologna

2020 – TRAnSFUSIONI#4 Homage to Costantino Dardi, curated by Anna D’Elia, Lavatoio Contumaciale, Associazione Culturale di Tomaso Binga/Bianca Menna, Rome

2018 - Female Artists International exhibition, Prince Kung's Mansion, Beijing, China

2018 – KWVD International Exhibition, University Art Center Gallery Iang, Seoul, South Corea

2018 – Night, Tinny Biennale, Gallery of Art Temple University, Rome

2018 - Il sangue delle donne. Trace di rosso sul panno bianco, Palazzo Fibbioni, Comune di Acquila

2017 - Biennale Internazionale Donna, Magazzino 26, Porto Vecchio, Trieste

2017 - Female Artists International exhibition, Accademia di Belle Arti, Roma

2017 - Il sangue delle donne. Trace di rosso sul panno bianco, Galerija Rigo, Novigrad/Cittanova, Croatia - Galerija Forum, Zagreb, Croatia - Monastero di San Benedetto, Conversano, Bari, Italia

2016 - The International Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography, Palazzo Italia, Berlin, Germany

2016 - Mindscape. Scatti e memoria, Castelnuovo Fotografia IV ed., Castelnuovo di Porto, Roma

2016 -Different Dimension, The International Biennial of Photography VI ed., State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia

2016 - Il sangue delle donne. Trace di rosso sul panno bianco, Teatro Stabile Comunale di Isola del Liri, Frosinone

2015 - The city as man's thought, Camera 21, EUR, Roma                              

2015 -Red alert! , PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Ungheria

2015 - Strutture e figure II.,Studio Franco Canilla, Roma

2014 - The International Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography III ed., Municipal Heritage Museum of Malaga, Spagna

2014 -Colours and Shadows, in)(between gallery, Paris, Francia

2014 - Strutture e figure I., Studio Franco Canilla, ROMRoma

2013 - Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, Inbe Art Space, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima, Giappone

2013 -Fotografia o pittura? Galleria Frantoio Capalbio, Italia, (PhC Capalbiofotografia Festival - V ed.)

2007 -Slovenske fotografinje se predstavijo, Dolik Gallery, Jesenice, Slovenia



- KWVD International Exhibition, University Art Center Gallery Iang, Seoul, South Corea, 2018

- Biennale Internazionale Donna, Ass. Culturale Porto Arte - M26 Porto Vecchio Trieste, 2018

- 2017 Female Artists International exhibition, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

- Zenska krv / Il Sangue delle donne /Blood of Women, Galerija Forum, Zagreb 2017

- Awakenings / Prebujanja, Slovenian film, director Peter Bratusa, 2017

- Ribi.Tears in the Eyes of Fishes, Mala Galerija, Porec 2015                                                                                        

- Strutture e Figure, artisti contemporanei sulle opere di Franco Cannilla II, Rome 2015

- Umbratilis, Temple University in Rome 2014                                                                                    

- VACATIO Photography International Festival in Rome 2013 XII ed.

- Photography or Painting, Capalbio, PhC 2013 V ed.

- WORK, Photography International Festival in Rome 2012 XI ed.

- MOTHERLAND, Photography International Festival in Rome 2011 X ed.



Events at Rome Art Week
karmen corak – philippe adrien  MUTE DESIRE (desiderio sommerso)
26 Oct-02 Dec 2022
karmen corak – philippe adrien MUTE DESIRE (desiderio sommerso)
Photographs by Karmen Corak and glass sculptures by the artist Philippe Adrien
Free access
Vernissage Tuesday 25 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:30
Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen
Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20
The interrupted Road
25 Oct-08 Nov 2019
The interrupted Road
Photographs of Karmen Corak. Luisa De Marinis, Curator
Free access
Museo H. C. Andersen
Via P. S. Mancini, 20
Transfusioni#3  Verita Monselles / Jacopo Benci, Karmen Corak
08-27 Oct 2018
Transfusioni#3 Verita Monselles / Jacopo Benci, Karmen Corak
Transfusioni promuove il dialogo tra artisti degli anni Settanta e di oggi
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
via dei Monti di Pietralata 16
Transfusioni#3 presentazionelibri #Fotografia come terapia. di Anna D
25 Oct 2018 | 17:30
Transfusioni#3 presentazionelibri #Fotografia come terapia. di Anna D'Elia
Francesca Gallo, Raffaella Perna, Jacopo Benci dialogheranno con Anna D’Elia
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
via dei Monti di Pietralata 16
Transfusioni#3 suoni #Roberto Laneri #Verita Monselles / Jacopo Benci, Karmen Corak
25 Oct 2018 | 19:00
Transfusioni#3 suoni #Roberto Laneri #Verita Monselles / Jacopo Benci, Karmen Corak
In occasione della mostra Transfusioni#3 a cura di Anna D’Elia
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
via dei Monti di Pietralata 16
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