Monica Pennazzi
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Monica Pennazzi was born in Ancona in 1972. After training in Fashion Design at the University of Urbino, she began working for several established fashion companies such as Tombolini and Fornarina.

In 2002 he decided to devote himself full time to his true vocation: plastic art.

His research is expressed through sculptural and installation works that favor the use of synthetic fibers such as polyurethane and silicone. He participates in numerous collective exhibitions and Biennials of sculpture in Italy (Biennale di Scultura di Piazzola sul Brenta) and abroad ( TRIO Biennal de Arte Contemporanea of ​​Rio de Janeiro) and in 2009 he won the “Maxentius art” competition. XIII Massenzio Arte international prize for young emerging artists, earning the opportunity to create his first personal exhibition.

In 2013 he moved to Brazil in Rio de Janeiro where he will remain, alternating Brazil and Italy until 2019, developing and participating in numerous artistic projects, contemporary art fairs such as Artico Rio and realizing other individual exhibitions both in Italy, "Cunauta" by by Camilla Boemio, exhibited both in Rome at the Storia Fornace del Canova and in Ancona at the Civic Art Gallery Francesco Podesti. In Rio de janeiro, “Horizontes” at the VGgard gallery, Cassino Atlantico, Copacabana, and in Portugal “Linear permutations” San Joan da Pequeira Wine Museum, curated by Nuno Riberio.

Since 2017 he has participated in various artistic residencies in Italy and abroad: BoCs Art, artistic residences in Cosenza, curated by Alberto Dambruoso and the DO.C Douro Contemporaneo project, Portugal, artistic residencies in the field of contemporary art by Nuno Ribeiro, the time festival in Sermoneta curated by Roberta Melasecca, "IlluminAmatrice" in Amatrice, curated by Barbara Pavan and "Endecameron 21" at Rocca Sinibalda Castle, Rieti, curated by Cristina Cenci and Enrico Pozzi, Todi Opendoors San Lorenzo period artistic residence 3.











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Events at Rome Art Week
TEMPORAL CONTRAPLATES - Monica Pennazzi / Alberto Timossi
29 Oct 2022 | 14:00-17:00
TEMPORAL CONTRAPLATES - Monica Pennazzi / Alberto Timossi
19 Ottobre 2022 // ore 15:00-18:00 // Villa Romana Tor dei Cenci, Spinaceto
Free access
Villa Romana di Tor de’ Cenci
Villa Romana di Tor de’ Cenci - Quartiere Spinaceto/Tor de’ Cenci - Viale degli Eroi di Cefalonia
CONTRAPPUNTI TEMPORALI // Monica Pennazzi - Alberto Timossi
29 Oct 2022 | 14:00-17:00
CONTRAPPUNTI TEMPORALI // Monica Pennazzi - Alberto Timossi
29 Ottobre 14:00-17:00 // Villa Romana Tor dei Cenci - Spinaceto (Roma)
Free access
Villa Roma di Tor dei Cenci a Spinaceto
Via degli Eroi di Cefalonia e via Alberto Cozzi
Image not present
30 Oct 2021 | 18:30-22:30
Monica Pennazzi

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Sara Bernabucci
Via Vittor Pisani 28
22-27 Oct 2018
Group exhibition open 22/10 (18.30) 25/10 (16.30 - 19.30) 27/10 (from 18.00)
Free access
Studio d'Arte Pisani
Via Vittor Pisani, 28
27 Oct 2018 | 18:00
Talk a cura di Anna Maria Panzera, con e fra gli artisti di Open Cluster
Free access
Studio d'Arte Pisani
Via Vittor Pisani 28
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