Francesca Bianchi
Data and contact details

Francesca Bianchi was born in Volterra (PI) on January 10th 1985. She graduated from the State Art Institute of Volterra, where she is passionate about the visual arts, already known and experimented at home with the passionate "father" and photographer for hobbies, especially in photography.

He dedicated himself to artistic photography with success taking part in the photographic group of his city that will abandon after a few years to embark on his artistic path, getting involved with famous photographers and artists, from whom he receives a great push to deal with what interests him most : leave your city and show your art to the world.

Between a photographic exhibition and the other, he also dedicated himself to the creation of jewels and colored paper lamps, taking part in art markets in the country fairs of his territory.

Two are the most important stages that he faces: three photographic exhibitions in London and the First Biennial of Creativity in Verona, curated and inaugurated by Vittorio Sgarbi.

Francesca grabs the Reality and postpones it in the Dream, grabs the Dream and impresses it in Reality.

His pictures contain our baby soul and our adult desires, what we were, what we would like to be. In his shots there is the immortality of transience, our Deadly Destiny, our Vital Destiny. Every image that Francesca offers us speaks to us of our existence in its futile eternity, in its piercing provision. It is in this game of dualism, in the continuous search and recreate what is now and in a moment there is no more, what now does not exist and in a moment it will be, that Francesca leads us to unknown and known shores, towards today of our yesterday and our tomorrow.

We see with his eyes and find what is in our eyes for centuries, what frightens us and reassures us, what we do not know how to describe, but we know very well that there is.

Francesca shows us the Eternal in the uncertainty of living, reminds us of what we are, flesh and blood, reminds us that this will be, dust in the wind. It makes us rediscover Life through the fear of Death.

It reminds us that we are a cycle, one with what is born and what fades, that our moments are our whole existence. Francesca gives us the memory of the need to breathe, to give us the wonder of the horizon, to see the infinite, to become infinite.


Francesca reminds us of Living and, to do so, of Existing.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
16-27 Oct 2024
Points of View
Two Contemporary Art Exhibitions, Personal exhibition by Alessandro Pellegrini "Duality of the unconscious" Third edition of the "Punti di Vista" exhibition, collective of contemporary art.
Event on Reservation
Vernissage Wednesday 16 Oct 2024 | 18:00-21:30
Sonia Mazzoli
Via Ostiense
Image not present
19 Oct-02 Nov 2022
Art & Words 2022
dove il comune denominatore è l’unione dell'opera con la parola
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 19 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design
Via Dei Conciatori 3/ i ( Giardino Interno )
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