Luigia d'Alfonso
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Luigia d'Alfonso was born in 1967 in Rome where she has always lived and worked, ranging from jewelry design to textile design with cross-over into theater. Since 2002 she has shared an atelier of art and handcraft with Ada Perla, channelling then the reciprocal experiences towards an artistic research rooted in the Mediterranean origins. In 2014 they started an adventure that led the artistic duo "towards a common language: Sabìr. The name chosen by the authors to identify this new artwork refers to the language spoken in the past in the ports across the Mediterranean Sea. Later on, the Sabìr concept was expanded and enriched with Totems and Ciaccerate. "dap - d'Alfonso, Perla", the artistic duo, was also selected for several exhibitions and contests and in 2019 Luigia and Ada exhibited at the Rome Art Week with the work "Ciaccerata immaginatopeica" at the Spallazzani Hospital - INML. An art project that involved the patients and staff of the hospital as well as visitors to the exhibition space.In 2020, Luigia d’Alfonso contracted Covid-19. During her isolation she retrieved her artistic individuality, working on a new project for RAW 2021 "The flower room", featured by the GART-Garden Art Cultural Association.

dap, Luigia d'Alfonso e Ada Perla, are two roman artists who work together in a four handed project: the "Sabìr". The name refers to the language spoken in the past in the ports across the Mediterranean Sea. Each project starts with individual researches and dialogue, the fertile ground of their work, shaped the visual language of Sabìr. Selected in different exhibitions and calls for artists, they were present in Rome Art Week 2019 with “Ciaccerata immaginatopeica”, a participated artistic project at INMI L. Spallanzani: "Ciaccerata... at Spallanzani". The donated work is exhibited in the hospital lobby. They exhibited in the solo exhibition "Sabir - Visionary bridge", One Art Space Gallery, Tribeca, New York.



RAW Rome Art Week, “Monochromacolor^, Group exhibition, Studio Campo Boario, Rome - Italy.

In Scena!, In Scena! Award, Career Awards realized by dap, Italian Institute of Culture, New York – USA.

dap, “Sabìr limitless journey”, Solo exhibition, Time Gallery, New York - USA.


XXXIII Porticato Gaetano, “Environmental Emergency”, Group exhibition, Museum Pinacoteca Comunale A. Sapone, Gaeta – Italy.


RAW Rome Art Week, “Flowery Room”, Group exhibition, Caterina Volpicelli Institute, Rome - Italy.

AUSGANG24, “GEHÄUSE”, Group exhibition, Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery, Rome - Italy.


SHE IS, “SHE IS... 2020”, Group exhibition, One Art Space Gallery, New York - USA.


Sinergie Solidali, "Woman: from Object to Subject", Group exhibition, Association seat, Rome - Italy.

RAW Rome Art Week, “Ciaccerata immaginatopeica”, a participated artistic project, INMI L. Spallanzani, Rome - Italy. "Ciaccerata... at Spallanzani", the donated work is exhibited in the hospital lobby.

ASREA, “ASREA 2019”, Group exhibition, Ex Cartiera Latina - Nagasawa Hall, Rome - Italy.

dap, "Sabir - Visionary bridge", Solo exhibition, One Art Space Gallery, New York - USA.


XXX Porticato Gaetano, “The space and the time of memory”, Group exhibition, Museum Pinacoteca Comunale A. Sapone, Gaeta - Italy. Certificate of special mention. The work, "TMS", is now part of the contemporary art collection of the Pinacoteca.

Arte Laguna Prize 2018-19, Venice International contemporary art competition: Sabìr "Repercussions" overcame the first stage of selection.

Umbria Art, “Umbria Art Festival”, Group exhibition, urban location, Terni - Italy.

dap, "Sabìr pictorial plots", Solo exhibition, Pagea Contemporary Art Gallery, Angri – Italy.


Bottega Perla, "M.A.L.A.", Solo exhibition, Art Studio Monfalcone 16, Rome – Italy.


Bottega Perla, "The colors of water", Solo exhibition, Art Studio Monfalcone 16, Rome - Italy.


Bottega Perla, "Atelier Simultané", Solo exhibition, Art Studio Monfalcone 16, Rome - Italy.


Morgan Stanley, "Welfare and Finance: Women on stage", Group exhibition, Euclide Theatre, Rome – Italy.


Monte dei Paschi di Siena e ING Investment Management, "Percorsi di vini", Solo exhibition, Institute seat, Rome - Italy.

Corpo forestale dello stato, "Art & Nature - 188° Annual of foundation”, Group exhibition, Piazza del Popolo, Rome – Italy.


Cultural Association Studio 5, “The doors of the Mediterranean" 3rd Edition, Group exhibition, Cloister of Paolotti, Conversano - Italy.


Teatrogruppo, "Season at the Theatre", Solo exhibition, Euclide Theatre, Rome - Italy.

International Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, 27th Fair of East and Mediterranean, Bari - Italy.

Cultural Association Studio 5, "Olive tree in art", Group exhibition, itinerant, Italy.



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Events at Rome Art Week
25-30 Oct 2021
Photographs, paintings on Plexiglas, floral installation, site specific work
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 16:30-19:00
Istituto Caterina Volpicelli
Via XX Settembre 68b
The Flowery Room
25 Oct 2021 | 16:30-19:00
The Flowery Room
Free access
Istituto Caterina Volpicelli
Via XX Settembre 68
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