Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

Born in New York in 1964 from Italian parents, he studies in Italy, in a limited provincial environment, spending the summer in USA, a world much richer in stimuli and loves. During the long Italian winters, spent in the school-home routine, the only escape is his fantasy and his pencil becomes the tool to achieve his own dreams, thus approaching himself to the world of Art which will play such an important role in his life. After he gets his Art certificate of Secondary Education in Taranto, he matriculates at the Faculty of Architecture of “La Sapienza” in Rome.Rome, the pleasant synthesis between the two different worlds of his adolescence, is the magic place of his very first apprenticeship in the hard search of his self and the reasons of his own art.In his symbolist-figurative period, his paintings, filled with white geese swarming in squares, streets, or lying lonely in wait, are symbols of purity and ingenuousness, respect and simplicity. The silent and astonished geese, witnesses of the every day life, represent the best and most honest part of ourselves and are, in a dream dimension, a projection of purity and liberty, a reminiscence of our lost `age of innocence´.Once thid phase is concluded, Alex’s art gets nourishment and life from his studies in architecture:his still currentneo-cubist-figurative period starts. The city architectures melt and wrap the senses in a new magic, with warm tones in a modern figurative style,in which abstraction sofltly takes shape in “wonderful metropolitan enchantments”.

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Events at Rome Art Week
Oltre ogni confine
23 Oct 2023 | 17:00-20:00
Oltre ogni confine
Riflessioni sul rapporto uomo ambiente
Free access
Galleria Studio M.o.C.A
Piazza degli Zingari, 1 - Roma
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
28 Oct 2022 | 09:30-19:00
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
via Merulana 191 , quinto piano
Image not present
25 Oct 2021 | 10:30-19:30
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
via Merulana 191 , quinto piano
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
29 Oct 2021 | 10:30-19:30
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
via Merulana 191 , quinto piano
My Land
29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:00
My Land
Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente
Free access
Galleria Mo.C.A
Piazza degli Zingari, 1
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
26-30 Oct 2020 | 10:30-20:00
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
Via Merulana, 191 , quinto piano , dal lun. al giov. su appuntamento : 3386627899 - ven. 30 all day free
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
21-25 Oct 2019 | 10:30-21:30
Alexander Luigi Di Meglio

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Alexander Luigi Di Meglio
via Merulana 191 , quinto piano
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