Fabiola Medici
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Fabiola Medici was born in Rome in 1974. She attended the VI Art School of Rome.

After the High School Diploma, she enrolls in photography and advertising graphics courses organized by Lazio Region (20.06.1994 – Certificate in Photography - 04.03.1998 – Certificates of AD graphic designer). She learns the technique of shooting, the development and printing of b/w and color photos, the design of advertising campaigns, the professional techniques of the sector and. interdisciplinary prospective and work tools

The predominant theme in all her travel photographs and pictorial artworks is the COLOR that characterizes the reality all around us, and has a very close relationship with energy and, therefore, with the states of the human soul.

The Artist says:"In a more and more lifeless and gray society, as an artist I feel strongly the missing of creating a" dream "that awakens the feelings of the individual and re-establishes a positive connection with reality.”

In my artworks the color acquires its own autonomy, creates multiple effects, as multiple are the emotions of each spectator, who not only looks at travel photographs, but in turn travels in his own way of seeing and feeling the proposed image (as in the  19th century movement of Impressionism) ".

The Artist enhances the color as an expressive tool and a unique subject, as a free research of relationships between colors and human beings that tends towards an emotional blend that springs from the chromatic energy, as into a kaleidoscope.

All this to express the multiplicity of glances that allow photographs and artworks to really exist, multiple flashes of light that arouse sensations.

There is no description, no coherence, only an absolute spontaneity guides the camera of the artist and her painting that, rather than the subjects, captures the deep light of the viewer soul.

Quoting Rothko she says "I think of my paintings as theatrical works ... The shapes that appear are actors on the stage. It is not possible to express in advance or foresee what will be the action or who the actors will be".




12/13 May 2018 First Solo Photo exhibition, ACRONIMO Gallery, Rome;


28 June 2018 Volunteering Group Exhibition, Bracciano (RM);


25 February-12 March 2019 – Group Painting Exhibition, NUMEN Gallery, Rome;


1-7 March 2019 - Solo Photo exhibition, MEDINA Gallery, Rome;


28 March-10 April 2019 - Photo Exhibition of 3 Artists, NUMEN Gallery, Rome;


27 April -27 May 2019 Group Art Exhibition “Bauhaus Anniversary: “The Room Exhibition on TV”, organized by 2(be) Art and Arte 24, BAUHAUS HOME, Rome

21-26 October 2019 - Collective exhibition #Opening! The Room Exhibition at the Pigneto, for participation in the fourth edition of the Rome Art Week, with Arte 24, Rome

15-16-17 Novembe 2019 - Collective photography exhibition Contemporary Rome Art II edition at Palazzo Velli, with the participation of Arte 24, Rome

22 febbraio -1 marzo  2020 Collective exhibition"Beyond the mask" with the Galleria Arte in Regola in Via dei Cappellari - Trastevere, Roma.

15 luglio - 22 luglio 2020 Collective exhibition "Bateau Tiberis" at Gilda boat in Rome.

28 novembre - 4 novembre  2020 Collective exhibition at Ambasciata d'Egitto at Roma "Armonie d'Arte" - Art encounters 2nd edition


Events at Rome Art Week
"Armonie d
28 Oct 2020 | 17:00
"Armonie d'Arte" Art Encounters 2nd edition Collective Exhibition
Collettiva d'arte e performance dance
Free access
Ambasciata della Repubblica Araba D'Egitto Ufficio delle Relazioni Culturali e Didattiche
Via delle Terme di Traiano 13
Image not present
00 0000 | 19:00-21:30

Free access
Palazzo Velli
Piazza S. Egidio 10
#OPENING! The Room Exhibition
21-31 Oct 2019
#OPENING! The Room Exhibition
L’ Arte esce dalle Gallerie Istituzionali per essere vissuta nella quotidianità
Free access
Bauhaus Home Gallery
Via del Pigneto 3 sc.B int.4
#OPENING! The Room Exhibition
26 Oct 2019 | 19:00-22:00
#OPENING! The Room Exhibition
Free access
Bauhaus Home Gallery
Via del Pigneto 3
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