Maria Carla Mancinelli
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Maria Carla Mancinelli was born in Rome, where she lives and works. Painter and sculptor, she created works by recycling waste materials, such as fabrics, wood, iron, paper, rubber, organizing them on mainly recovered supports. For years he has been following a personal journey on imaginary urban landscapes, at first producing a long series inspired by Italo Calvino's "invisible cities" and then a series of works entitled "The interference of the divine", landscapes immersed in a transcendent atmosphere traveled by glimpses of white. Her current research is focused in particular on the theme of light, which has become the central element of her works. She created two series of paintings entitled "The urgency of light" and "In the storm". They are dazzling works, where the landscape is rarefied and the explosion of light dominates every work of man and nature. Everything is on the edge of the abyss, to underline the precariousness of the human condition. She works in the research and experimentation of materials, cement, plaster, stucco, asphalt, bitumen, marble dust, through the use of always different techniques. One of her works was donated to the MAAM Museum in Rome.

In 2017 she formed, together with other artists, the Coala Group, Artists of the Lake Collective, painters and sculptors linked by a common feeling, who operate and work on the lands around Lake Bracciano.



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Main exhibitions:

personal Incendi, Galleria Pescino 17, Bracciano (Rm), 2023

personal Resti d’acqua, Galleria A. Rizzo, Trevignano Romano (RM), 2023

collective Muccart, Kou Gallery, Roma, 2023

double personal Renzi–Mancinelli Chartae, Spazio Esp. Ecopoint, Roma, 2022

collective Mostra di Artisti in permanenza, Gall’Art, Roma, 2022

collective Sotto i raggi del sole, Villa di Massenzio, Roma, 2022

collective Osmosi – Risonanze d’arte contemporanea II ediz., Museo Orto Botanico, Viterbo 2022, Biennale di Viterbo 2022

personal in collective Artisti a Palazzo, Palazzo Lattanzi, Blera, 2022, Biennale di Viterbo 2022

auction Secret Art #saveukraine, Londra, 2022 

personal Isole, Spazio Assemblea, Rome, 2022

collective Ghe Gaia Terra – Festival Nuvola Creativa, Museo delle Mura, Rome, 2022

personal Passaggi di luce, Spazio espositivo Eco.Point, Rome, 2021

contest online #DomaniInArte, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome, 2020

collective Domino Dominio | For fun and for real, Nuvola Creativa Festival of the Arts - IV edition, Macro Asilo, Rome, 2019

Triple personal 8.5.7 Human.Interior.Caotico, E.Co.Point Gallery, Rome, 2019 (Coala Collective)

collective Tiny Biennale 7th edition - Luce / Light, Gallery of Art, Temple University Rome, Rome, 2019

personal triple Our Cityscapes, Evasioni Art Studio Gallery, Rome, 2018 (Coala Collective)

collective Tiny Biennale 6th edition, Gallery of Art, Temple University Rome, Rome, 2018

collective The Artbox.Project New York 1.0, Stricoff Gallery, New York, 2018

collective Refuge, Cafè Culturel de l'Ancienne Gare, Friborg (Switzerland), 2017

collective The Artbox.Project Basel 1.0, Euroairport Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 2017

collective Nuvola Creativa - Festival of the arts of Rome, Pelanda Factory, Rome, 2017

collective Configuration#1, Palazzo degli Alessandri, Viterbo, 2017 (Coala Collective)

collective Beyond IV, Wikiarte Gallery, Bologna, 2016

Personal Shadows, E.Co.Point Gallery, Rome, 2015

Double personal Passaggi, Galleria Il Laboratorio, Rome, 2015

Double personal Appearances, Galleria Il Laboratorio, Rome, 2014

collective Art Abitart Award, Abitart Hotel, Rome, 2013

collective Inthebox All Sessions, Lanificio Cucina, Rome, 2013

collective small & LARGE, Vibe Gallery, London, 2013

collective 1 Art Day, Casa d’Aste Bloomsbury Auctions, Rome, 2012

personal Time and space, Palazzo Orsini, Bomarzo (VT), 2012

fair Artegenova 2012 - Under 5000 section, Genoa, 2012

triple personal MariaCarlaCarlaCarlaMaria, Galleria Margini & Segni, Bracciano (Rm), 2011

personal Strade del sogno, Enoteca Vi (ci) no, Rome, 2011

personal A different heart, Opera Unica Gallery, Rome, 2010

prize Massenzio Arte 2010 finalists exhibition, ISA (High Fire Protection Institute), Rome, 2010

personal Percorsi invisibili, Case Grifoni, Cerveteri, 2010

collective La Materia Ri-Nata, Galleria GARD, Rome, 2009

Events at Rome Art Week
Maria Carla Mancinelli
27 Oct 2023 | 17:00-19:30
Maria Carla Mancinelli

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Maria Carla Mancinelli
Via del Velodromo 77
Sotto i Raggi del Sole
22 Oct-04 Nov 2022
Sotto i Raggi del Sole
Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 15:30-19:00
Villa di Massenzio
Via Appia Antica, 153
Maria Carla Mancinelli
28 Oct 2022 | 16:00-19:00
Maria Carla Mancinelli

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Maria Carla Mancinelli
Via del Velodromo 77
Maria Carla Mancinelli
29 Oct 2021 | Time to be defined
Maria Carla Mancinelli

Free access
Open Studio
Spazio espositivo Ecopoint
Via del Velodromo 77
23-26 Oct 2019
Collettiva artisti di ignorarte
Free access
Galleria Gard
Via Dei Conciatori 3/i (giardino interno)
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