Laura Romano
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

I was born on March 4, 1985, the same day and month as Lucio Dalla. My name is Laura Romano, but I have not been Roman for 7 generations, but a Sardinian-Sicilian islander, my mother is from Cagliari and my father from the province of Agrigento. My parents met when they were very young after moving to a suburb of Rome in the 1970s. As a child I was silent and shy, adults seemed like scary giants to me and shop mannequins, when my mother took me with her shopping, like statues to confide in. As a child, pencils, markers and colors fascinated me. I was intrigued by the graphics of the drawing: the shapes, the lines, the points. Rather than writing or reading, I preferred to spend my days drawing. I was fascinated by the image and its strength, I think it was also for this reason that the love for the Visual Arts remained despite a period of distancing from painting. After graduating from the Caravillani Art School in Rome, I approached photography. I did several courses in basic photography techniques and at the same time worked in the field of commercial photography. What I loved about photography was the challenge of being able to convey something with the use of a single frame captured in an instant. This love pushed me to move to Padua where I studied analogue photography and digital photography at the ISFAV visual arts institute. At the end of two years of studies I returned to Rome where I tried to work in reportage photography, unfortunately without success, the market was saturated and the boom in cell phones with cameras didn't help. However, I continued to work in commercial photography where I still work today.While I continued to work in photography I enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. The academy also gave me a good cultural-artistic background and new stimuli to work on. I graduated and realized a desire I had had since I was a child, to open an artistic laboratory with other artists in Rome in the Tor Pignattara neighborhood. In the studio I finally found the tranquility to continue my pictorial research on figurative art. The human body has always been the center of my interest and the subject of my paintings even if I am currently studying the language of form, color and gestures through landscape painting with abstract contaminations.

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
26 Oct 2023 | 17:30-19:30
Laura Romano

Free access
Open Studio
via umberto guarnieri 6a
Laura Romano
25 Oct 2022 | 15:30-19:30
Laura Romano

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Laura Romano
via umberto guarnieri 6a
Laura Romano
26 Oct 2021 | 17:00-19:00
Laura Romano

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Laura Romano Artificio6
via umberto guarnieri 6a
Laura Romano
26-31 Oct 2020 | 15:30-19:30
Laura Romano

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Artificio6
Via Umberto Giarnieri, 6a
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